Archive for the year 2006


iStumbler – Search Wi-Fi Networks Easily from Mac

Nov 20, 2006 - 22 Comments
iStumbler Mac network scanning tool

Want to search for available wi-fi networks quickly and easily from a Mac? Have you ever been on the road with your MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iBook or PowerBook and needed to find a Wireless access point quickly to send a quick email, post an important blog entry, or check the latest news? Me … Read More

Pacifist – The Super Extraction Utility

Nov 17, 2006 - Leave a Comment

Pacifist is one of those really useful apps you wish you had that you didn’t know existed. Pacifist is a shareware application that opens Mac OS X .pkg package files, .dmg disk images, and .tar, .tgz, and .tar.gz file archives and allows you to extract individual files and folders out of them. This is useful, … Read More

CSSEdit 2 – WebDev Essential

Nov 17, 2006 - 1 Comment

If you are a Mac user and you ever have to horse around with CSS, look no further than CSSEdit. This is without a doubt the best Mac application for editing CSS, with live previews and awesome syntax grouping. Descriptions really don’t do it justice, so it’s the kind of app you just have to … Read More Launches!

Nov 17, 2006 - 5 Comments

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