Change the Dock item click-and-hold behavior in Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard changed the way the Dock behaves when a Dock item has been clicked on and held down, since 10.6 it launches Expose for that specific application. You may recall how Leopard handled the click-and-hold though, which was to launch the contextual menu (the same one you get when you right-click in 10.6). Using the Terminal and the defaults write command, you can alter this behavior between the 10.5 contextual-menu and 10.6 Expose style click-and-hold Dock behavior. So launch your Terminal:
Show contextual menu rather than Expose when Dock item has been clicked and held (like 10.5)
defaults write show-expose-menus -bool no; killall Dock
Revert to Expose upon click-and-hold (10.6 default)
defaults write show-expose-menus -bool yes; killall Dock
I actually like the new Expose click effect (which is slightly different in 10.6.2 than it is in 10.6), so for me this is a matter of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” but to each their own.
via Lap Cat Software
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’ve just solved the single most annoying problem on my computer: when I’m pushing the machine to its limits, the dock often misinterprets a simple click as a click-and-hold, which means Exposé has to activate, slowing things down even more….
thanks, this has been driving me NUTS. On my 10.5 computer I can quickly pause itunes from the dock, and view all downloaded items pressing an arrow — but the 10.6 laptop makes me jump thru hoops for the same things.
I may actually update the older computer now!
Love this tip!
Here is a link to a similar wallpaper of a hazy Chicago skyline. Not the exact match, but close!
I found it on Flickr but I’m not sure if I can dig up the source, I’ll post it if I can!
Yeah i also think this wallpaper is great please give us a link ;)
I like the wallpaper. Where did you get it?