iPod Nano jailbreak may be possible soon

Dec 28, 2010 - 1 Comment

ipod nano jailbreak soon

A self proclaimed ‘iPod Nano hacker’ has found a way to boot an iPod nano with modified system files, which suggests that the device may be possible to jailbreak sometime in the near future.

The hack at this stage is pretty simple, it’s basically just removing apps from the launchboard screen and creating a blank space instead, but it’s a start. Some iPod fan sites are erroneously reporting that there is a jailbreak available for the iPod Nano and that is not the case, as described by the Nano Hacker:

the iPod Nano hasn’t been “jailbroken” as some sites claim, I do not have root access over the device. I did not “install” an app. I figured out how to remove them and insert a blank space into the springboard.

What I have also done is figured out a way for the iPod to boot with modified files (eg the SpingBoard Plist), bypassing the procedure it takes to stop this, I hope this will allow us to figure out a way to jailbreak it. I am primarily focusing on exposing some of the (for now) hidden features of the device.

So again, the iPod nano has not been jailbroken but this could represent a step in that direction. If you recall, the touchscreen iPod Nano does not run iOS but rather a variant operating system that shares some similarities, which are quite obvious given the functionality and GUI. I was a little disappointed to hear the nano doesn’t run iOS proper, as I’m sure developers would create a lot of fun apps for the tiny and ultra portable iPod, but perhaps through a jailbreak this possibility will be opened up through the world of Cydia.

We’ll keep you posted, this might be a fun one to follow.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Hardware, News

One Comment

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  1. sobcek says:

    I might actually buy one of these if they can be jailbroken. Better yet, put 3G access on there and allow video chat from your wrist, it’ll be like Dick Tracy! LOL!

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