XCode Keyboard Shortcut Cheatsheet
Xcode has a lot of keyboard shortcuts available, wouldn’t it be nice to have a handy reference chart for them all?
You’re in luck if you have thought that same thing, because Colin Wheeler is a Cocoa Developer that has created a really handy XCode keyboard shortcut cheatsheet, it’s a great resource for anyone who is interested in improving their XCode workflow.
The file is way too large and detailed to give it an appropriate thumbnail here, so check it out directly by clicking the link below to open as a PDF file:
The cheatsheet is made available under the Creative Commons license, so you can do what you want with it as long as you include attribution to the creator (1729.us and what is visible on the PDF itself).
Unfortunately it’s not black text on white background so it’s not the most printer friendly, but save it to the Mac and enjoy!
It’s hard for some people, like me, to read white text on a dark background. I wish there were an alternative version with black text on a light background.
I’ll second that, it’s almost unreadable and a pain to print on a black and white printer too.
And a brief search yielded that he did indeed provide a B&W one here:
Is there something like this for Adobe Photoshop Elements 6?
not bad, it should be 16×9 ratio so we can use as background pic though