Change the Animation Speed of Hiding & Displaying the Mac OS X Dock
Automatically hiding the Dock is one of the more useful features you can enable if you work on a Mac with limited screen space. That experience can be improved by removing the auto-hide delay from the Dock in OS X, which reduces the delay from when a mouse is hovered near the Dock to when it’s displayed, but now we’ll show you how to speed up or remove the slide-in and slide-out Dock hide and show animation itself.
Remove Dock Animation Completely
First up, removing the Dock animation completely, this makes an auto-hiding Dock snap into place immediately. Launch the Terminal and use the following defaults write command:
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -int 0;killall Dock
The Dock will automatically restart with the changes taking effect.
Set an Ultra-Fast Dock Hide & Display Animation
This leaves the Docks animation intact, but speeds it up dramatically. You can adjust this yourself by changing the numbers after the -float flag:
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.12;killall Dock
Restore Default Animation Speed
Return to the OS X default animation speeds with the following defaults write command:
defaults delete autohide-time-modifier;killall Dock
Thanks to Levi for the tips in our comments!
Worked like a charm. Appreciate the help.
Thanks! This is great with the previous tip to speed up clearing the screen and launching mission control. Now if someone could figure out how to speed up the animation from swiping between desktops!
This is the single-greatest tip ever. I had to launch Mission Control to see the Dock in a full screen app before, now it pops up instantly! Thanks, awesome tip!
I didn’t see any difference…
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this was published a couple of hours before on You might want to at least credit them.
changing the 0.12 in what direction changes the speed?
I tried this and keep getting an error related to Dock.
Lower the number to make it faster, the default is around 0.25