Watch the Apple iPad Mini Event [Video]

Oct 23, 2012 - 2 Comments

Tim Cook at the iPad Mini event

If you missed the livestream of the iPad Mini Event today, Apple has placed the full video online for anyone to watch. There is much more to the keynote than just the iPad Mini, as Apple unleashed a barrage of new products and updates, including an all new beautiful iMac, new Retina 13″ MacBook Pro, and a refresh to the Mac Mini lineup and even launched iPad 4.

The video doesn’t appear to load in all browsers, so for best results fire up Safari and watch it there either on a Mac, Windows, iPhone, or iPad.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in iPad, Mac, News


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  1. Gumby says:

    For me I am most interested in the retina MacBook Pro now that it’s only 3.5lbs that is pretty incredible for so much power compared to Air.

    New iMac looks beautiful but I want a retina display on it, I will therefore wait a year.

    Now, I am very disappointed in price of iPad mini, $329 is about $50-$129 too much for it not to have a retina display. I have an iPad already, no reason to buy anything new at those prices. If it was $199 I would have picked one up in addition to my The new old iPad 3rd generation. I am curious about the small form factor though, maybe I will get a Nexus 7? Would be my first Android! I will see what Google releases next week and decide then!

    • Brennan says:

      I honestly think a retina-display iMac is a long time off…

      Why? Consider this:

      A notebook screen is 15″. It is not nearly as big compared to an iMac’s screen. If Apple were to add a retina display to an iMac, the resolution would be even higher than the notebook’s and all of the apps would have to upgrade again, which would just inflate a lot of apps and cause a lot of problems.

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