Listen to iTunes Radio from Outside the USA with a New Apple ID

Oct 1, 2013 - 5 Comments

iTunes Radio iTunes Radio is an excellent streaming music service from Apple. We’ve covered a few different tweaks and tips for the service recently, but at the moment the Radio feature is limited to USA-based users. But for international readers, rather than waiting for the rollout to arrive at your location, you can use a simple trick to listen to iTunes Radio from anywhere in the world, without having to rely on a proxy service.

The secret? Just use a USA-based Apple ID, which you can create for free. Here is the general process required to get everything working, this uses iTunes on a desktop computer in Mac OS X or Windows. Once you create the USA Apple ID, you’ll be able to use it on mobile iOS 7 devices too.

  • Open iTunes 11.1 (download it if you don’t have 11.1 yet) and open the iTunes Store
  • Scroll to the very bottom, click “Change Country” and choose the United States – the font size is very small and light colored, but it’s found under “Manage” – this will log you out of an existing Apple ID
  • Change Country in iTunes

  • Find any free app or song and attempt to download it, you will be prompted to login to an Apple ID – don’t login – instead, click “Create Apple ID”
  • Create a new Apple ID

  • Go through the walkthrough using any US-based address (maybe you’re a 90’s sitcom fan of 90210? Or perhaps Apple’s corporate 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014 address? The zip code needs to match the city and state), under payment options choose the “None” option
  • Verify the email address for the new Apple ID, then go back to iTunes and log in with it
  • Enjoy iTunes Radio! You can find it under the “Radio” tab

You can then take this same Apple ID account and log with it on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 7, which will give you access to iTunes Radio in the “Music” app.

Many international users who have made iTunes accounts without a credit card in the past to access different apps or media content may already have a US-based account handy that they can use for this very purpose, which makes the process even simpler. If you already have a US Apple ID, just log out of iTunes and log back in with the existing account. Piece of cake.

Thanks to Lifehacker for the handy trick


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in iTunes, Tips & Tricks


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. Ben says:

    On January 15, 2016, Apple announced that effective January 28, 2016, iTunes Radio stations, barring Beats 1, will only be accessible by Apple Music subscribers.[4] On January 29, 2016, the iTunes Radio channel was automatically removed from all Apple TV devices (3rd Generation and earlier)

    Apple are proper wankas, I think its time to change back to android

    • iTunes Radiooo says:

      Yup iTunes Radio has gone the way of the dodo bird, so you Ben, you better change back to Android because you can no longer get free cruddy music from a free app, it would be awful to have to use Spotify or Pandora for free music which is much better anyway, would hate to have a better experience with free apps. Better go to Android where you can have Pandora and Spotify instead of iTunes Radio then, eh Ben? Brilliant eh?

  2. Norbert L says:

    When I change the Apple ID at my iPhone to US to hear iTunes Radio what happen to my apps which I load with my German Apple ID?

    • Seccada says:

      Switching Apple ID’s is best done on the desktop to avoid any conflicts with installed apps. Or use an alternate device. At the very least, backup first.

    • Andrew says:

      I used to switch stores between USA and Colombia. Nothing hapened!

      Feel free to doit…

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