Apple Runs New “Parenthood” iPhone 5S Ad [Video]

Jun 30, 2014 - 2 Comments

iPhone 5S Parenthood commercial

Apple has released a new TV commercial for the iPhone 5S called “Parenthood”. The advertisement is about a minute long and features adults using the iPhone 5S for a variety of parenting tasks, ranging from functioning as a baby monitor, a tooth brush aid, drawing assistant, as a remote control for home automation tasks, to using the built-in Flashlight to check for monsters under a childs bed in a particularly great scene, amongst many other tasks. The commercial is soundtracked to a soft song called “Life of Dreams” by artist Julie Doiron.

Apps used in the TV commercial range from WithingsWithBaby, MyTeeth, DRAWNIMAL, WeMo, Pet Manager Pro, Kinsa, Camera, FaceTime, Flashlight, Parrot Flower Power, and Nike+ Running. Additional details about the iPhone apps used can be found on Apple’s companion site for the advertisement here, including links to their respective places in the App Store.

The advertisement is now airing on TV, and has been embedded below for easy viewing:

The commercial ends with the tagline “You’re more powerful than you think” and the Apple  logo.

Screen Shot 2014-06-30 at 11.45.01 AM


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in iPhone, News


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  1. AJ says:

    I really like this Apple commercial, I think it’s one of their best in years. Bravo Apple ad team!

    This is SO much better than the horrible last one they did with the crappy band playing some awful 90’s yelling rock music that made your ears bleed, ugh, that was terrible and appealed to nobody but a few who liked that song when they were 15. Remember that one from a few months ago? So bad.

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