Command Line

The command line interface is an alternate method of interacting with macOS and Mac OS X, relying on text based command entry to execute commands and perform tasks. It is accessed on the Mac by using the Terminal application. Generally, the command line is considered advanced, and thus it’s usage tends to be more complex than many standard procedures on a Mac.

Search Command Line

Place the Cursor at the Mouse Position in Terminal with an Option+Click

Mar 6, 2014 - 6 Comments
Place a cursor anywhere in the Terminal by using Option+Click

Most command line users rely heavily on Terminal keyboard navigation to move about within text files and get around within the Terminal, but Mac OS X has a super simple trick up its sleeve that lets you instantly position the mouse cursor anywhere in the Terminal. This means no more tabbing around or repeatedly tapping … Read More

How to Convert an Audio File to iPhone Ringtone from Mac Command Line

Feb 14, 2014 - 5 Comments
Convert a ringtone from the command line

Ever wanted to create an iPhone or Android ringtone from an existing audio file, but wanted to complete the process entirely from the command line? You’re in luck, because Mac OS X has a little audio conversion tool that can turn any existing audio track into an Android or iPhone compatible ringtone in seconds. We’ll … Read More

Using cURL to Download Remote Files from the Command Line

Feb 13, 2014 - 9 Comments
Download with curl

The powerful curl command line tool can be used to download files from just about any remote server. Longtime command line users know this can be useful for a wide variety of situations, but to keep things simple, many will find that downloading a file with curl can often be a quicker alternative to using … Read More

How to Install Command Line Tools in Mac OS X (Without Xcode)

Feb 12, 2014 - 39 Comments

Mac users who prefer to have a more traditional Unix toolkit accessible to them through the Terminal may wish to install the optional Command Line Tools subsection of the Xcode IDE. From MacOS Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, OS X El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks onward, this is now easily possible directly and … Read More

How to Add a User to the Sudoers File in Mac OS X

Feb 6, 2014 - 12 Comments
User added to the sudoers file in OS X

Advanced users may need to add a user account to the sudoers file, which allows that user to run certain commands with root privileges. To greatly simplify what that means, these newly privileged user accounts will then be able to execute commands without getting permission denied errors or having to prefix a terminal command with … Read More

Turning On Mac Touch-To-Click Support from the Command Line

Jan 31, 2014 - 13 Comments
Enabling touch clicking from the command line of OS X

Touch-based clicking is an alternate input form that uses trackpad (or Magic Mouse) taps as a click. For most Mac users, turning on tap-to-click is best done from Mac OS X System Preferences, but advanced users who require more control, automation, or remote enabling of the feature can also enable tap-to-click through the command line … Read More

How to Verify (& Repair) a Disk from the Command Line of Mac OS X

Jan 27, 2014 - 8 Comments
Repair Disk from the Command Line

The Disk Utility app bundled with Mac OS X has a command line equivalent which offers advanced users the ability to perform disk maintenance from the terminal, including disk verification and repairs. This allows for a variety of helpful troubleshooting abilities, including the possibility to remotely issue disk repairs though SSH, or through Single User … Read More

Manage & Resume Multiple Terminals Easier with Window Groups in OS X

Dec 9, 2013 - 7 Comments
Save terminal window group with commands

Do you have your terminal windows arranged in a particular way, perhaps running particular processes, that you want to consistently resume to without having to rearrange and relaunch things? Rather than relying entirely on the OS X Resume feature, you should use the Terminal app “Window Groups” tool, which lets you save not only the … Read More

Let it Snow in the Terminal of Mac OS X with This Command

Dec 6, 2013 - 3 Comments
Make it Snow in the Terminal with a command

Tis the season for some winter fun and holiday magic… in your Mac OS X Terminal with some digital snow fall! This nifty not-so-little ruby command string will make it snow in the command line of your Mac, there isn’t much to get it snowing beyond a simple copy and paste, but for best results … Read More

How to Determine if a Mac Is Using FileVault from the Command Line

Nov 25, 2013 - 3 Comments

FileVault is a security feature that offers full disk encryption for Macs. Identifying Macs that are using FileVault is fairly easy in person for machines that have a logged in user account, all you have to do is check System Preferences to see if has been enabled or not. But what if you the Mac … Read More

Create a Password Protected Text File with vi and the Command Line

Nov 22, 2013 - 6 Comments
Terminal in Mac OS X

It’s easy to create a password protected text file by using the command line text editor ‘vi’. This is infinitely useful for privacy purposes, whether the protected file is for containing login details, various passwords, personal information, a private journal, or just about anything else that you want stored securely in a single password protected … Read More

Internet Connection Down? Get a Voice Alert When Your Mac is Back Online

Nov 18, 2013 - 8 Comments
Detect an internet connection is back online

We’re all incredibly reliant on our internet connections these days, but sometimes those connections aren’t so reliable. Whether it’s due to an ISP failure, a router being down, someone tripping over a cord somewhere, or whatever other occurrence, it can be frustrating to wait for a downed internet connection to come alive again. We’ve all … Read More

How to List All IPSW Files from Apple Servers Using the Command Line

Nov 15, 2013 - 7 Comments
Get a list of all IPSW files available from Apple

Many advanced users prefer to use firmware files when updating their iOS devices to the latest version, and every time an iOS update comes out we post direct download links for the latest versions. Every once in a while we get questions from users who wonder how we find those file links, since they’re tucked … Read More

Using the Purge Command in OS X Yosemite & OS X Mavericks

Nov 14, 2013 - 25 Comments
purge command in Mac OS X

Many Mac users running OS X Yosemite and OS X Mavericks have noticed the purge command, which forces memory cache to be emptied as if it a computer was rebooted, throws an error when attempting to run through Terminal in OS X 10.9 or newer. In most cases that error message is “Unable to purge … Read More

Get a Fully Functioning Terminal in Google Chrome Developer Tools

Nov 11, 2013 - 1 Comment
Terminal in Google Chrome Developer Tools

Just about every web developer or designer is familiar with Google Chrome’s Developer Tools, which allows for easy browser based debugging, tweaking, and adjusting of web pages and web applications. Those who live in web browsers and text editors know just how useful DevTools is, and with the help of a third party Chrome extension … Read More

7 Handy Command Line Tips You Don’t Want to Miss

Oct 17, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Terminal icon in OS X

Getting comfortable with the command line is often just a matter of learning a few command tricks and finding uses for them, and we’re going to offer six handy tricks that you’re almost certain to find some use out of regardless of your skill level in the Terminal. Read on, you’ll be downloading files, using … Read More

5 cd Command Tricks All Command Line Users Should Know

Oct 11, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Mac Terminal icon

One of the most commonly used command line tools is ‘cd’, which stands for change directory, and as you probably know is used to navigate directories and switch between one folder or another within the file system. For those just learning and starting to familiarize themselves with the Terminal and command line, here are five … Read More

How to Enable NTFS Write Support in Mac OS X

Oct 2, 2013 - 66 Comments
NTFS write support in Mac OS X

Mac OS X has always been able to read NTFS drives, but tucked away in Mac OS X is a hidden option to enable write support to drives formatted as NTFS (NTFS stands for New Technology File System and is a proprietary file system format for Microsoft Windows). Enabling NTFS write support on the Mac … Read More

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