Command Line

The command line interface is an alternate method of interacting with macOS and Mac OS X, relying on text based command entry to execute commands and perform tasks. It is accessed on the Mac by using the Terminal application. Generally, the command line is considered advanced, and thus it’s usage tends to be more complex than many standard procedures on a Mac.

Search Command Line

How to Easily Mirror an Entire Web Site Locally

Mar 19, 2009 - 15 Comments

It’s very easy to mirror an entire web site on your local machine thanks to the terminal command wget, this tutorial will show you how to do it via the command line. wget is available for Mac OS X, Linux, Unix, and many other popular operating system platforms, thus this is universally applicable assuming you … Read More

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X

Feb 25, 2009 - 48 Comments
Finder of Mac OS X

Need to show hidden files on a Mac? This is pretty common if you find yourself needing to access hidden files on your Mac, like an .htaccess file you downloaded, a .bash_profile, a .svn directory, – literally anything preceded with a ‘.’ indicating it is invisible by default – you can run the below command … Read More

Mac OS X: Change your User ID

Feb 19, 2009 - 14 Comments

Recently I connected my Mac to my linux based NFS server at home. I use NFS to access files from two other Linux boxes and on each server my UID (unique id) is set to 1000. In order for me to easily have full access to my NFS shares from OS X I changed my … Read More

Make Back Ups from the Command Line in Mac OS X with These 4 Tricks

Feb 19, 2009 - 6 Comments

These days there are no shortage of ways to backup your Macintosh. Probably the most popular method available to an end-user is Apple’s Time Machine which is handled automatically after a simple setup through the GUI, or can be triggered to start at any time. Personally, I was very impressed with the ease of use … Read More

5 Useful Mac OS X Command Line Tips Everyone Should Know

Jun 29, 2008 - 12 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Like many other power users, I’m addicted to the Mac OS X command line, any reason at all for me to launch the terminal I take as an opportunity to learn more about the powerful backend of our favorite operating system. Here I have gathered 5 useful commands that will make your life easier when … Read More

Easily Mount an ISO in Mac OS X

Apr 22, 2008 - 88 Comments

If you’re wondering how to mount an ISO image in Mac OS X, it is very easy. For most ISO images you can mount them simply by double-clicking the ISO image file, and it will go through the auto-mounter app within Mac OS X putting it on your desktop. If for whatever reason that doesn’t … Read More

How to Flush DNS Cache in Mac OS X

Mar 21, 2008 - 20 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Whether you’re a systems administrator or a web developer, or anything in between, chances are you’ll have to flush your DNS cache every once in a while to get things straightened out server-side, or even just for testing certain configurations. Flushing your DNS cache in Mac OS X is actually really easy, but there are … Read More

How to Spoof your MAC Address in Mac OS X

Jan 17, 2008 - 159 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to your network card, and some networks implement MAC address filtering as a method of security. Spoofing a MAC address can be desired for multiple reasons, and it is very easy to spoof your MAC address in macOS Monterey 12, macOS Big Sur 11, macOS Catalina, macOS … Read More

Make Finder Desktop Icon Sizes Huge

Jan 2, 2008 - 16 Comments

The Mac OS X desktop is attractive, highly functional, and very customizable, but by default the maximum icon size is 128×128 as adjusted through the normal Mac icon size settings. While 128 x 128 pixels is pretty large, if you have a huge monitor, or you’re visually impaired, you may want larger icons so that … Read More

Change the Mac OS X Dock from 3D to 2D in Leopard & Snow Leopard

Dec 24, 2007 - 8 Comments

The appearance of the new Dock changed in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard which has caused somewhat of an uproar in the Mac community, some of whom even claim it looks like it belongs in Windows Vista. That change stuck around in later versions of OS X as well. If you’re totally insulted by the … Read More

Use Quick Look from the Command line with qlmanage

Dec 24, 2007 - 3 Comments

Quick Look is a nice feature in Mac OS X for quickly previewing documents, images, and other file data before opening it into a designated application. I use Quick Look often for glancing at the content of various documents and it certainly beats launching an application when you just need to take a quick peak … Read More

Show Full Directory Path in Mac OS X Finder Window Title Bars

Dec 2, 2007 - 32 Comments
Show the full path in Finder title bars

Have you ever wished you could see the complete file system path in the titlebar of a Finder file system window? Well you can use a secret setting in Mac OS X to display the path in the titlebars of windows. The geekier Mac users amongst us and those familiar with the unix world should … Read More

How to: Add a User from the OS X Command Line on Mac

Oct 29, 2007 - 53 Comments

Adding a user is something easily accomplished using the built in GUI tools that ship with OS X, however any power user can appreciate the possible efficiency gained from using the command line. So in the spirit of efficiency here are the steps necessary to add a user to your Mac OS X system all … Read More

Fix “Page Up” key in to work with irssi

Oct 29, 2007 - 5 Comments

Recently while using the OS X Terminal I noticed that the “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys do not send an actual page up sequence to an active Terminal session. This was discovered with the irssi app, but it actually pertains to the Terminal in general. Instead, it seems that the default behavior is to … Read More

Command Line Shortcut for Lengthy SSH Commands

May 31, 2007 - 4 Comments

We love tips that make your computing life easier, and this command line tip from Cedrik Morgan falls into that category, making a lengthy ssh command quite a bit shorter by creation of an alias. Here’s what Cedrik writes in:

Stop DS_Store file creation on network connections

May 29, 2007 - 4 Comments

If you use your Mac on a cross platform network often, you’ve surely run into the obnoxious creation of .DS_Store files. If you’re curious what the file is used for, DS_Store is a hidden file for Mac OS X that stores various bits of data for the Finder to remember, like icon position, making it … Read More

Open a Text File to Specific Line Number at Command Line

May 28, 2007 - 4 Comments
Quickly make a file backup from the command line

Have you ever known that you need to open a specific text file to a specific line number? Perhaps for a code review or adjustment, whatever the reason this is fairly common. Rather than open the text file in nano or vim and then navigate to the line number you want to access, there is … Read More

MacPorts: Easily install open source software on Mac with MacPorts

May 21, 2007 - 10 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

MacPorts, formerly DarwinPorts, is a free open source app that allows Mac users to easily install command line software and x11 software in Mac OS X by using the ‘ports’ command line tool for package management. MacPorts is probably best for more advanced Mac users who have some experience with the command line, because MacPorts … Read More

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