Fix Mail & Gmail Problems in OS X Mavericks with Mail Update

Nov 7, 2013 - 11 Comments

Many users of the Mail app in OS X Mavericks have experienced significant problems, ranging from severe issues like randomly deleting emails to entire inboxes, to not signifying if emails have been read, amongst a wide variety of other more minor but annoying problems with the Mail app. Some of the issues have been so bad or annoying that a fair amount of OS X users had to stop using the Mail app completely, seeking alternative solutions, particularly for Gmail, to work around the bugs. But that is no longer necessary, and if you’re a Mail app user you can comfortably use Gmail and Mail in OS X Mavericks again without having to deal with some of the bugs and quirks that plagued the initial release.

Mail Update for Mavericks fixes many bugs

Getting the essential Mail update for Mavericks is done through the App Store:
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, News - 11 Comments

Make Free VOIP Calls from iPhone with FaceTime Audio

Nov 7, 2013 - 7 Comments

FaceTime icon With FaceTime Audio, the iPhone can now make free VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) calls directly from the built-in phone or FaceTime app, without the need for any third party services or applications. This basically means you make phone calls to anywhere in the world for free, so long as the recipient of the call is also using an iPhone, iPad, Mac, or iPod touch, and are running a modern version of iOS that supports FaceTime Audio.

The audio call quality of FaceTime Audio is impressively clear and sounds much better than a standard cellular connection anyway, so even if you’re not looking to use this service as a long distance replacement, it can offer a significant improvement to general phone conversations as well.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 7 Comments

Merge All Finder Windows into a Single Tabbed Window in Mac OS X

Nov 7, 2013 - 3 Comments

Merging windows into Finder Tabs

Finder Tabs are one of the better Mavericks improvements brought to the Mac OS X Finder in years, letting you use the file system in a single window view, with each open folder or directory path as it’s own unique tab.

Used properly, Finder Tabs will prevent the enormous amounts of window clutter that can occur unintentionally when navigating around the Mac file system and juggling a handful of different windows and locations, but if you find yourself overwhelmed with Finder window overload you can use the excellent Merge feature to gather all windows into a single Finder window with tabs.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 3 Comments

Open Any Settings Panel in iOS Directly from Siri

Nov 6, 2013 - 5 Comments

Siri launches directly into Settings panels in iOS The Settings app for iOS has tons of individual preference toggles, adjustments, tweaks, and customizations, adding up to what is likely hundreds of options. Each of the settings is segmented into a variety of categories, like General, Sounds, Notification Center, Privacy, Location, plus just about every default app, and many third party apps too. While navigating around the Settings app is pretty easy, it can also be confusing sometimes, and it’s easy to forget where some settings are stored, particularly if a setting is buried somewhere and you can’t remember where to find it.

This is when Siri comes in to save the day, because you can now launch directly into any system or app settings just by asking Siri.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 5 Comments

iPhone Wi-Fi Won’t Turn On? Here’s What To Do

Nov 6, 2013 - 21 Comments

Most iPhone users have trouble-free use of their device whether it’s on a cellular connection or wi-fi, but wireless connectivity issues do occur from time to time. These type of problems can manifest in a variety of ways; sometimes the Wi-Fi on and off toggle switch is grey and unusable (sometimes resolved by simply quitting the Settings app and relaunching), sometimes the iPhone will appear to connect to a wi-fi router but no data will transfer, connection speeds are unusually slow, and other times the iPhone will simply refuse to connect to a wireless network at all.

Fix iPhone Wi-Fi problems
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How to Downgrade a Mac from OS X Mavericks to OS X Mountain Lion

Nov 5, 2013 - 22 Comments

Though we generally recommend staying on the latest versions of OS X, some users may find incompatibilities or problems associated with updating their Macs to OS X Mavericks, and for these unique circumstances it can make sense to downgrade the Mac back to a prior release version of OS X. For such specific cases, we’ll cover downgrading from Mavericks (10.9) back to OS X Mountain Lion (10.8). To accomplish a downgrade using this method, you must have made a Time Machine backup made prior to the OS X 10.9 upgrade / install. If you do not have a Time Machine backup prior to OS X 10.9 being installed, this particular walkthrough will not work for you.

Downgrade from OS X Mavericks to earlier versions of Mac OS X

Be sure to back up the current volume and all files before attempting the downgrade process, otherwise you may lose the files and data that was created between the original upgrade to Mavericks and this downgrade procedure.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 22 Comments

Set “Do Not Disturb” to Always Be Silent on the iPhone

Nov 4, 2013 - 4 Comments

Do Not Disturb mode turned ON in iOS

Do Not Disturb is an excellent feature of iOS that, when turned on, mutes notifications and alerts for all incoming calls, messages, and apps. It’s easy to toggle on and off, providing for some digital peace and quiet with a quick switch. But if you’re actively using an unlocked iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch while Do Not Disturb is on, the alerts, calls, and notifications will still make sounds, which may defeat the purpose of the setting for some users, and can make it appear as if the Do Not Disturb feature is not working at all. That’s what we’ll settle here, insuring that Do Not Disturb remains always silent when it’s set on. Even if the iOS device is actively in use, all phone calls, texts, and alerts will automatically be silenced (unless they’re on the exceptions list, of course). It’s a simple settings adjustment available in new versions of iOS, but one that is often overlooked:
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 4 Comments

Change the Login Screen Wallpaper in OS X Mavericks

Nov 4, 2013 - 69 Comments

Changing the login screens background wallpaper is a great way to customize the appearance of a Mac. The process of doing so seems to change with every release of OS X though, and that’s no different with swapping out the login wallpaper in OS X Mavericks. Changed yet again with OS X 10.9, you will find that rather than replacing a single file with a new image, you’ll have to replace four separate files to gain a similar customization of the login window, which is seen both upon system boot and with swapping logins with Fast User Switching.

Change the OS X Mavericks Login Screen Wallpaper
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By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 69 Comments

How to Change the Dock Color & Appearance in iOS

Nov 3, 2013 - 8 Comments

Changing the Dock color in iOS 7

The Dock received a significant visual overhaul along with almost everything else in modern iOS versions, and though the days of the OS X look-a-like are gone, you can still customize the coloration and transparency of the Dock a bit. One option is to change the wallpaper, which has a profound effect on the appearance on the Dock along with other user interface elements of iOS, but what if you like your wallpaper and just don’t like the way the Dock looks with it?

That’s what this trick will help, achieved indirectly by using the contrast setting that is intended to improve usability, it removes the sometimes garish hyper color look of the iOS Dock that comes from using certain wallpapers, replacing it with a simple translucent Dock color with much higher contrast, typically a dark color roughly based on the wallpaper. The result is greatly improved readability, and sometimes a much approved appearance of the Dock overall too. Note that there are some other UI changes that will occur with this setting, making it undesirable to some users.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Improve Dictation with Live Speech-To-Text & Offline Mode in Mac OS X

Nov 2, 2013 - 15 Comments

Dictation in Mac OS X converts speech to text Dictation is the new speech-to-text engine that lets your Mac type out what you are saying as you talk, and it’s one of the many excellent features included with modern versions of Mac OS X. Now from Mavericks onward, you can improve Dictation considerably by enabling an option called “Enhanced Dictation”, this will provide two significant advancements; continuous dictation with live feedback as you talk, and full offline support – meaning you won’t need a Mac to be connected to the internet in order to use the feature.

If you use Dictation with any regularity this is a highly recommended option to enable, as enhanced dictation is sure to improve your usage of the excellent speech to text feature on the Mac.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 15 Comments

Quickly Clear Notifications from the Lock Screen in iOS

Nov 2, 2013 - 1 Comment

Clear the lock screen notifications quickly with a swipe up and down

Have a bunch of Notifications and Alerts sitting on the lock screen of your iPhone or iPad that you don’t want on there anymore, but don’t want to unlock the device or leave the lock screen? No sweat, rather than swiping to unlock the iOS device and then manually addressing the notifications, you can shuffle them all away and store them into Notification Center where they belong, immediately clearing off the lock screen without ever leaving it.

This swipe gesture trick is similar to how you can dismiss alerts from anywhere, and it’s super easy to use:
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

Re-Download OS X Mavericks Installer from the App Store of OS X 10.9

Nov 1, 2013 - 15 Comments

Re-downloading the OS X Mavericks installer Already installed OS X Mavericks, but now you want to create an install drive for other computers? Or maybe the Mavericks installer became corrupt during the process? Whatever the situation, you can easily re-download OS X Mavericks from the Mac App Store.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 15 Comments

How to Install Java in OS X Mavericks

Nov 1, 2013 - 14 Comments

Install Java in OS X Mavericks Java has plenty of real-world applications and uses, but because it has been used as an attack vector in the past, Apple has made OS X reasonably aggressive in limiting Java on Macs. As a result, Mavericks does not come with Java preinstalled, and upgraded Macs will remove Java in Mavericks installation process. For most users this is a very good thing, it further reduces the unlikely event of a trojan or something nefarious being installed on Macs, and many Mac users won’t notice Java missing at all. On the other hand, many of us do need Java installed in OS X.

Many common applications use Java, ranging from the excellent cloud backup service CrashPlan, to the Eclipse IDE, and even some online banking and financial services, and without installing Java yourself in Mavericks you’ll find these apps and websites simply don’t work. Fortunately it’s a simple fix just like in 10.8, and you can go about installing Java on OS X Mavericks in several different ways.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 14 Comments

Customize “Today View” in Notification Center for iPhone & iPad

Oct 31, 2013 - 8 Comments

Today View in Notification Center for iOS

Swiping down from the very top of your iPhone screen (or iPad), you’ll find Notification Center swoops on down, where alerts, notifications, iMessages, and missed calls appear. There’s also the “Today” tab, which aggregates information from your Calendars, Reminders, Stocks, and destinations, and puts them into an active days summary of what’s on tap for today.

If you want to customize the appearance of Today view, either where things appear in the list as you scroll, or to hide specific items, you can do that directly through iOS settings.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Use Network Utility in Mac OS X

Oct 31, 2013 - 6 Comments

Network Utility in Mac OS X Network Utility is a great tool that has been around on the Mac since the very first version of Mac OS X. It provides a variety of helpful networking tools and details, the “Info” tab includes general network info on a per interface level showingIP address, MAC address, link speeds, and sent/received data transfer statistics, and you’ll also have easy GUI access to what are otherwise command line tools, like netstat, ping, nslookup, trace route, whois, finger, and a port scanner.

Network Utility in Mac OS X
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 6 Comments

Connect to SMB & NAS Network Shares in OS X Mavericks

Oct 30, 2013 - 19 Comments

Mac to Windows File Sharing with SMB and CIFS Sharing files between Macs and NAS drives and Windows PC’s has always been very easy, but Mavericks brought a slight change that has caused some problems for certain users in mixed PC and Mac environments. Without getting too geeky, Apple adjusted the default protocol for SMB (Samba, the Windows file sharing ability) from SMB1 to SMB2, and the SMB2 implementation apparently carries a bug which is incompatible with many NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices, and some versions of Windows. The issue is pretty obvious when you encounter it: Many Windows PC’s, NAS drives, and Linux machines won’t access or mount from the Mac, and instead will try to connect or mount forever and ultimately time out, preventing connections, mapped drives, and general access.

Fortunately there’s a very easy workaround to connect to SMB and NAS shares from OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan:
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 19 Comments

Disable App Nap on a Per Application Basis in OS X Mavericks

Oct 29, 2013 - 1 Comment

App Nap in Mac OS X App Nap is a great feature that arrived with OS X Mavericks which automatically pauses applications once they have gone unused for a period of time, helping to reduce energy consumption and saving battery life for portable Macs. Though App Nap can make a big difference in extending the battery life of MacBooks, there are some unique situations where users may not want an application to pause itself when unused, inactive, or otherwise in the background. For these situations, you can selectively prevent App Nap by disabling it on a per-application basis. Most users should not disable App Nap without a compelling reason to do so.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

How to Show the User Library Folder in OS X Mavericks

Oct 28, 2013 - 15 Comments

User Library folder in Mac OS X All of the latest versions of OS X have opted for a conservative approach to showing the users ~/Library/ directory, a folder which contains a variety of important files, settings, preferences, caches, and many specific files that are required for apps to run as intended. Because of the possibility of unintentional harm to a users Mac, OS X defaults to hiding that folder, with the intention on preventing novice users from making changes to it. OS X Mavericks is no different, but with the release of 10.9, all Mac users have an easy option to permanently show the User Library directory without having to result to the command line or other tricks that were previously required for access to the ~/Library folder.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 15 Comments

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