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Get Slide-Out Terminal Access in MacOS by Keyboard Shortcut with iTerm

Jul 21, 2023 - Leave a Comment
Set a hotkey for instant command line access with iTerm on Mac

The iTerm app for Mac is a great terminal alternative that has some unique features, one of which is that you can setup a hotkey or keyboard shortcut to instantly access an iTerm2 terminal as a slide-out command line from the top of the screen, from anywhere in MacOS.

How to Install Homebrew on MacOS Sonoma Beta

Jul 19, 2023 - 3 Comments
Install Homebrew in MacOS Sonoma

If you use Homebrew with your Mac, you probably want to install Homebrew in MacOS Sonoma as well. While it installs as intended for many Mac users, some are experiencing issues when attempting to install Homebrew in the Sonoma beta. We’ll cover the solution, showing you how to get Homebrew installed successfully in MacOS Sonoma … Read More

How to Get Transparent Terminal Windows in iTerm2

Jul 9, 2023 - Leave a Comment
Transparent terminal in iTerm2

iTerm2 is a popular Terminal application alternative for the Mac, and one fun way to customize the appearance of your terminal windows in iTerm2 is to set the terminal window to be transparent. Here’s how you can get a transparent terminal appearance in iTerm2 on the Mac.

How to Recursively Find All Files in Directories/Subfolders by Wildcards

Jun 30, 2023 - 5 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

Users may come across a situation where they would like to find all files in a directory, folder, or subfolder structure, that match a particular string but with variations to the file names, a situation perfect for finding files based on wildcard matches. For example, maybe you’d like to locate all files on a file … Read More

How to Find Process Locking a Port on Mac

Jun 29, 2023 - 1 Comment
Mac Terminal icon

Mac users may occasionally come across a situation where a process is locking a port, preventing another app or process from using that port. If you come across such a situation, for example maybe you’re trying to use React.js and find out that something is already running on port 3000, you can easily track down … Read More

How to Opt Out / Disable Homebrew Analytics

Jun 25, 2023 - 4 Comments
Homebrew for Mac

Homebrew is a fantastic package manager for the command line on Mac, but something that is perhaps less fantastic for some individuals is that Homebrew defaults to enabling ‘analytics’, which means your Mac will transmit data from your Mac to Homebrew about Homebrew usage. No thanks! The Homebrew analytics include everything from user agent, Google … Read More

How to Download the Full MacOS Sonoma Beta Installer

Jun 19, 2023 - 5 Comments
Download the full MacOS Sonoma beta installer

Many Mac users are interested in downloading the full installer for MacOS Sonoma beta, but when they go through the typical process of installing the MacOS Sonoma beta and downloading the update from System Settings, they’re given only a smaller stub installer that can not be used for things like making a USB boot install … Read More

How to Remove DS_Store Files from Git Repository

May 30, 2023 - Leave a Comment
Remove DS_Store files from git

If you use git on the Mac platform, you likely have come across DS_Store files in a git repository. These can be annoying and clutter a git repo, and you may even run into unnecessary conflicts due to .DS_Store files being maintained in git repos, where you may see error messages like “The files .DS_Store … Read More

List a Macs Local IP Address History Over Time or from Specific Dates

May 26, 2023 - 3 Comments
Terminal in macOS

If you ever find yourself needing to know a history of a specific Macs assigned local IP addresses, you can find this potentially helpful networking information from the command line. This trick will report all local IP addresses which have been used by a Mac, and, very helpfully, it will also offer the specific date … Read More

How to Find How Many CPU Cores a Mac Has

May 23, 2023 - 2 Comments
Find how many CPU cores a Mac has

Knowing the number of CPU cores a particular Mac has can be useful for performance optimization, stress testing, compatibility, and to otherwise make informed decisions about system performance on a Mac. For example, maybe you want to make sure you have multiple cores available to run a virtual machine, or you want to spawn a … Read More

How to Find Who/What is Listening on TCP Ports on Mac

May 15, 2023 - 1 Comment
What listens on TCP ports on Mac

Occasionally you may find yourself in a situation where you are seeking to find what open TCP connections are in a listening state on a Mac. This can be useful whether you’re troubleshooting particular network issues, or simply looking to identify which processes are listening on specific ports on a Mac. We’ll be using the … Read More

How to Configure & Use Aliases in ZSH

May 13, 2023 - Leave a Comment
Mac Terminal icon

Command line aliases are very useful, allowing you to have command shortcuts for lengthier commands, and you can use them to replace one command with another as well. With zsh becoming the default shell in Terminal for MacOS, and a widely used shell in general thanks to Oh-My-Zsh, you may be wondering how to configure … Read More

How to Install GCC on Mac

May 2, 2023 - 3 Comments
Installing GCC on a Mac

Some Mac users may wish to install GCC onto their MacOS computers. GCC, which stands for Gnu Compiler Collection, is a commonly used compiler with support for C, C++, Objective C, Go, Fortran, Ada, and more languages, and is frequently used for compiling command line programs, writing software, and more, whether for computer science classes … Read More

Fix “xcode-select: error active developer directory” on Mac

Apr 26, 2023 - 3 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Some Mac command line users working with nodejs and npm may see an error message and command failure along the lines of “xcode-select: error: tool ‘xcodebuild’ requires Xcode, but active developer directory ‘/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools’ is a command line tools instance”. This error message sometimes appears after updating MacOS, migrating Macs, or If you experience this error … Read More

Fix “brew command not found” on Mac with zsh

Apr 19, 2023 - 13 Comments
Homebrew for Mac

If you’re a Homebrew user who is now experiencing a “zsh: command not found: brew” error message in zsh shell, you’re probably perplexed as to why the brew command line line tool is no longer working. The reason you may be experiencing the command not found error for brew is because the zsh shell is … Read More

How to Mount SMB Share from Command Line on Mac

Feb 13, 2023 - 4 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

Need to mount an SMB network share from the command line of MacOS? There are a few different approaches to mount SMB shares from the command line, and we’ll cover two different methods to mount network shares on the Mac using Terminal.

Open Terminal by Keyboard Shortcut on Mac

Feb 6, 2023 - 4 Comments
Open Terminal by keyboard shortcut on Mac

Ever wished you could instantly launch the Terminal app on Mac by keyboard shortcut? Instead of relying on Spotlight and typing Terminal and hitting return, which works great and has for many years, you can actually create your own custom keyboard shortcut to open the Terminal app on MacOS. This article will detail how you … Read More

How to Install Homebrew on MacOS Sonoma & Ventura

Dec 28, 2022 - 8 Comments
Homebrew on MacOS Ventura

HomeBrew, the command line package manager, has native support for MacOS Sonoma 14 and macOS Ventura 13, so if you have recently updated to macOS Ventura or bought a new Mac with Sonoma/Ventura preinstalled, you’ll probably want to install Homebrew on the Mac running Ventura. Like most command line tools, HomeBrew is intended for advanced … Read More

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