defaults write

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Change Finder Windows View Style from the Command Line in Mac OS X

Jul 4, 2012 - 7 Comments
Finder window list view options

Unless it has been disabled, any Finder window in Mac OS X has the View option buttons in the windows toolbar. From left to right you can select icon view, list, columns, and coverflow. You may have noticed the window view style doesn’t always persist across Finder windows though, even if you selected “Always Open … Read More

Remove Rounded Corners from QuickTime Player Video Windows

Jun 25, 2012 - 6 Comments
Remove rounded corners from QuickTime video windows

QuickTime Player automatically rounds the corners of any video window, a nice touch that fits in line with the rest of the OS X desktop and window experience. If you don’t like the rounded movie window appearance though, you can easily disable them: Quick QuickTime Launch Terminal and enter the following command: defaults write … Read More

Disable Automatic Termination of Apps in Mac OS X

May 15, 2012 - 24 Comments
Disable Automatic Termination of Apps in Mac OS X

Automatic termination is a feature of macOS since OS X Lion that comes from the realm of iOS, the idea is that after an app is unused for a period of time and becomes inactive, it will automatically terminate to free up resources for other tasks. With the help of the new auto-save feature, the … Read More

Disable Elastic (Rubber Band) Scrolling in Mac OS X

May 10, 2012 - 17 Comments
Disable Elastic Scrolling in Mac OS X

Ever since Mac OS X 10.7, the Mac has included the same elastic over-scrolling that exists in the iOS world. Frequently called “rubberband scrolling”, it kicks in as an overscrolling effect that runs out of the scrollable region revealing the linen background before snapping back into the scrollable region. Scroll up quickly with or without … Read More

Stop Pasting Full Names When Copying an Email Address in Mac OS X Mail

May 3, 2012 - 16 Comments
Apple mail icon

Ever noticed that when you copy an email address from OS X Mail app and paste it elsewhere that you get the addressees full name as well as their email address? Try it yourself by right-clicking on someones email address like and copy it, then paste it elsewhere and it will show up as … Read More

Disable the File Extension Change Warning in Mac OS X

Apr 11, 2012 - 3 Comments
File Extension change warning in OS X

Assuming you have file extensions shown in the OS X Finder, attempting to change a file extension causes a warning dialog with a confirmation box to appear. The warning text says “Are you sure you want to change the extension from (this) to (that)?” then giving you two choices; keep the current file extension, or … Read More

Enable Half-Star Ratings in iTunes

Apr 9, 2012 - 7 Comments
Half Star Ratings in iTunes

iTunes allows users to rate songs on a 1 star to 5 star basis, song rating data can then be used for a variety of purposes, either for your own reference or for creating custom play lists that only include songs rated over a certain star value. But what if a song is somewhere in … Read More

Disable Google Chrome Automatic Software Update on Mac

Apr 6, 2012 - 17 Comments
Google Chrome automatic update

Google Chrome automatically updates itself in the background when a new version is out, this takes responsibility out of user hands and makes it simple to keep up to date with the latest version of the Chrome app for Mac. Generally you should leave automatic update enabled for Chrome, if not for its ease than … Read More

Change the Animation Speed of Hiding & Displaying the Mac OS X Dock

Mar 28, 2012 - 8 Comments
Change the Dock Animation Speed

Automatically hiding the Dock is one of the more useful features you can enable if you work on a Mac with limited screen space. That experience can be improved by removing the auto-hide delay from the Dock in OS X, which reduces the delay from when a mouse is hovered near the Dock to when … Read More

Remove the Auto-Hiding Dock Delay in Mac OS X

Mar 27, 2012 - 39 Comments
Hidden Dock in Mac OS X displays faster

Want to access the Dock faster on the Mac? If you use a hidden Dock in Mac OS X, you can speed up the time it takes to show the Dock with a defaults write command. This command removes the delay from when a cursor is hovered near the Dock location and to when the … Read More

Change Mail Apps “Mark As Read” Behavior in Mac OS X

Feb 27, 2012 - 9 Comments
Mail apps Mark as Read behavior

Have you ever noticed that Mail app registers a message as “read” after it has been clicked? The automatic “mark as read” feature makes it easy to quickly skim through a bunch of emails, but Mail doesn’t offer much control over the the delay for when messages are marked read.

Change the Default Screen Shot File Name in Mac OS X

Feb 16, 2012 - 18 Comments
Change Screen Shot File Name in Mac OS X

Screen shots taken in Mac OS X save to files prefixed with “Screen Shot” in the file name, but the names of screenshots can be changed to anything else. We’ll use a defaults write command to adjust the naming convention of screen shots taken on the Mac. This can be helpful for many purposes, and … Read More

Speed Up Mission Control Animations in Mac OS X

Feb 14, 2012 - 27 Comments
Speed Up Mission Control Animations

Boosting the speed of Mission Control animations can make Mac OS X feel a bit faster when switching between windows, spaces, and apps within the feature. It’s easy to do and reversible if you decide you don’t like it, launch the Terminal to get started. These defaults commands work in Lion, Mountain Lion, and beyond. … Read More

Disable Launchpad Fade Transition Effect in Mac OS X Lion

Feb 10, 2012 - 9 Comments
Remove Launchpad Fade Effect

Launchpad shows a fading transition anytime it is opened or closed, making for a nice effect over whatever is in the background. It’s pleasant looking, but if you don’t like it you can disable the fading with a few defaults write commands. You can also choose to disable only half of the transition, either for … Read More

Change the Time Machine Backup Schedule

Feb 2, 2012 - 32 Comments
Time Machine Scheduler

Every Mac owner should be using Time Machine, it’s by far the easiest and most painless backup solution, running in the background and allowing for easy recovery of files or the entire operating system should something go wrong during an OS X update or otherwise. There’s no way around it, having backups of your Mac … Read More

See All Previously Used Defaults Commands in Mac OS X

Jan 31, 2012 - 8 Comments
defaults history

It’s easy to lose track of all the defaults commands used to perform tweaks to Mac OS X, but with the help of the history command it’s easy to list every defaults write and accompanying defaults delete commands ever used on a Mac. Launch the Terminal to get started. See All Defaults Commands Executed To … Read More

Add Spacers to the Right-Side of the Dock in Mac OS X

Dec 16, 2011 - 5 Comments
Spacers on the Right Side of the Dock in Mac OS X

Just like you can add spacers between app icons in the OS X Dock (the left side), we can also add these same spacers to the right-side of the Dock, where the Applications, Documents, Downloads, and Trash icons live.

Jump to the Most Recently Used Desktop Space with a Hidden Gesture in OS X

Dec 15, 2011 - 8 Comments
Spaces in OS X Lion

If you use the multi-desktop Spaces feature of Mission Control often, you’ll probably like a hidden gesture in Mac OS X that lets you immediately jump back to the most recently used Space with just a four-fingered tap on the trackpad (or Magic Mouse). Here’s how to enable the gesture with a defaults write command.

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