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How to Show Hidden Files on MacOS with a Keyboard Shortcut

Feb 12, 2018 - 28 Comments
Show hidden files on Mac with Keyboard Shortcut

Modern versions of Mac OS offer a super-fast and easy way to reveal invisible files on a Mac, all you need to use is a keyboard shortcut. With a simple keystroke, you can instantly show hidden files on a Mac, and with another strike of the same keyboard shortcut, you can instantly hide the hidden … Read More

How to Hide Pictures in Photos for Mac with Hidden Album

Dec 29, 2016 - 12 Comments
Unhide a photo in Photos for Mac

If you have some picture(s) you’d rather not shown alongside your regular photo album in Photos for Mac, you can hide those photos and then use a special Hidden Photos album to contain the hidden images and browse them separately. These hidden pictures will be self contained and separate from the regular album views, though … Read More

Hide Anything from Spotlight in Mac OS X with the Library Folder

Jul 21, 2012 - 7 Comments
Hide anything from Spotlight with the Library Folder

Though you can add anything to Spotlights Privacy list to prevent indexing of that folder or file, the obvious problem with that approach is the file or folder is shown within the Spotlight control panel in Mac OS X, making it easy for someone else to find the excluded items. Another way to hide a … Read More

Quickly Hide a File in Mac OS X Using chflags

Jul 19, 2012 - 7 Comments
Hide a file in Mac OS X

Want to quickly hide a file from prying eyes? Just like you can hide folders, you can hide individual files too. Here is how to do this using the command line tool chflags. Launch Terminal from /Applications/Utilities/ and use the following command syntax: chflags nohidden /path/to/hide/file.txt If you know the path to the file just … Read More

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X Dialog Boxes with Command+Shift+Period

Mar 1, 2011 - 7 Comments

Need to reveal hidden files and folders while opening or saving a file on the Mac? You can show them immediately with nothing but a quick keystroke. To instantly show hidden files and directories in the Mac OS X “Open” and “Save” dialog boxes, all you need to do is hit Command+Shift+Period together and those … Read More

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X

Feb 25, 2009 - 48 Comments
Finder of Mac OS X

Need to show hidden files on a Mac? This is pretty common if you find yourself needing to access hidden files on your Mac, like an .htaccess file you downloaded, a .bash_profile, a .svn directory, – literally anything preceded with a ‘.’ indicating it is invisible by default – you can run the below command … Read More

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