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How to Hide External Drives from Mac Desktop

Dec 7, 2022 - Leave a Comment

By default, the Mac desktop will show external drives and volumes, including things like external hard drives, USB flash keys, and other external storage. If you wish to not show those external volumes on the desktop, you can adjust a setting in MacOS to hide external drives form the Mac desktop. Hiding external drives from … Read More

How to Enable Stacks in MacOS to Clean Up Messy Desktops

Feb 12, 2019 - 8 Comments
How to use Stacks on Mac Desktop to tidy up messy files and clutter

If your Mac desktop is a mess of files and folders, you’re not alone. A messy desktop must be common enough that a feature called Stacks has been included in MacOS specifically to ease that burden. Basically Stacks cleans up a mess of files on your desktop automatically by arranging them into organized groups of … Read More

Hide and show all of your Mac Desktop icons with a keyboard shortcut

Dec 8, 2010 - 5 Comments

The dreaded desktop icon clutter, if you’re working like crazy, downloading and saving a lot of files, it’s pretty easy to flip to your Mac desktop to discover it just littered with icons. Taking the time to tidy up all the files on your desktop can distract you from your workflow and, well, it’s just … Read More

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