Mac OS X 10.7

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Bring Color Icons Back to the Mac OS X Finder Easily with SideEffects

May 22, 2012 - 25 Comments
Color Sidebar icons made easy with SideEffects

If you want color icons back in your OS X Finder window sidebar but don’t want to deal with the existing procedures of manually installing SIMBL and the other components, grab SideEffects instead. SideEffects is a simple package that includes the three necessary components to add color back to Finder sidebar icons; SIMBL, ColorfulSidebar, and … Read More

Disable Automatic Termination of Apps in Mac OS X

May 15, 2012 - 24 Comments
Disable Automatic Termination of Apps in Mac OS X

Automatic termination is a feature of macOS since OS X Lion that comes from the realm of iOS, the idea is that after an app is unused for a period of time and becomes inactive, it will automatically terminate to free up resources for other tasks. With the help of the new auto-save feature, the … Read More

Disable Elastic (Rubber Band) Scrolling in Mac OS X

May 10, 2012 - 17 Comments
Disable Elastic Scrolling in Mac OS X

Ever since Mac OS X 10.7, the Mac has included the same elastic over-scrolling that exists in the iOS world. Frequently called “rubberband scrolling”, it kicks in as an overscrolling effect that runs out of the scrollable region revealing the linen background before snapping back into the scrollable region. Scroll up quickly with or without … Read More

Mac OS X 10.7.4 Update is Available [Direct Download Links]

May 9, 2012 - 22 Comments
OS X 10.7.4 Update

Mac OS X 10.7.4 Update has been released by Apple, the update includes bug fixes and security updates and is recommended for all OS X Lion users to install. Two of the most significant changes are a fix to a restoring windows bug and a patch for a potential security issue with FileVault passwords, though … Read More

2 Ways to Access Yesterdays Files & Recent Work on a Mac

May 9, 2012 - 3 Comments
Find Yesterdays Files and Work in Mac OS X

By using Mac OS X Smart Folders, anyone can quickly access all files they were working on yesterday without caring about where they were stored or what folders they reside in. There are two ways to set this up, the first will utilize a quick modification to “All My Files” and the second will be … Read More

Change the Automatic File Locking Duration in Mac OS X

Apr 26, 2012 - 2 Comments
Change File Lock Duration in Mac OS X

Mac OS X Lion introduced the file locking feature, which causes any files to automatically lock themselves after a period of time to prevent accidental edits from occurring. You’ve probably seen the resulting message lock before, informing you a file has been locked because recent changes haven’t been made. The time it takes for that … Read More

How to Remove OS X Mountain Lion (or Any Other Mac OS X Boot Partition)

Apr 21, 2012 - 6 Comments
uninstall OS X Mountain Lion

For those dual booting between OS X Mountain Lion and OS X Lion, or any other two versions of OS X for that matter, there comes a time when you inevitably want to remove one of the operating systems. For this walkthrough we’ll assume the boot partition you want to delete is one of the … Read More

Change a Login Name in Mac OS X

Mar 28, 2012 - 6 Comments

Want to change a user name that appears at the login screen of Mac OS X? It’s very easy to do: Open System Preferences and click on “Users & Groups” Select the users name you wish to change from the left side Look for “Full Name” on the right side options and click in the … Read More

How to Remotely Wipe a Mac

Mar 17, 2012 - 11 Comments
Remote Wipe a Mac

In an extreme situation, say a Mac is lost or stolen, you can remotely wipe the Mac of all its data and contents with the help of iCloud. Remotely wiping a Mac goes a step further though and not only removes all data from the computer, but locks it down so that it’s unusable without … Read More

OS X 10.7.3 Supplemental Update Fixes Problems with Time Machine Backups

Mar 5, 2012 - 8 Comments
OS X 10.7.3 Supplemental Update

Apple has released a supplemental update to Mac OS X 10.7.3 to address a potential issue with restoring from Time Machine backups. The update can be found from Software Update via the  Apple menu or downloaded directly from Apple. Installing the update does not require a reboot. Despite being a minor update, it is … Read More

10 Ways to Get OS X Mountain Lion Features on your Mac Right Now

Mar 2, 2012 - 10 Comments
Growl Notifications

Can’t wait for OS X Mountain Lion to be released this summer? You can get many of the features of the next generation Mac OS X version right now. Whether you are running OS X Lion or to an extent, OS X Snow Leopard, read on to find out how to get everything from notifications, … Read More

Change (Spoof) a MAC Address in OS X Mountain Lion & Mavericks

Mar 1, 2012 - 50 Comments
Change a MAC Address in Mac OS X

A MAC address is a unique identification number assigned to network interfaces, these can be attached to physical hardware like NIC and Wi-Fi cards or assigned to virtual machines. On some occasions, you’ll need to change a MAC address to another ID. We’ve received a few questions about this recently because the process of changing … Read More

Clear Versions History & Auto-Save Cache Data in Mac OS X

Feb 20, 2012 - 6 Comments
OS X Versions Cache and Auto-Save

New versions of Mac OS X include the Versions feature and Auto-Save ability, this lets users restore back to previous editions of a file by creating a constant sequence of saved file states while they are being worked on. All around, Versions and auto-save are useful, but they can also leave traces of sensitive documents … Read More

Set the Volume Level to a Hidden Ultra Low Setting in Mac OS X

Feb 15, 2012 - 10 Comments
Mac audio

Mac OS X has a hidden super quiet volume setting that is somewhere between completely muted and the lowest volume level, here’s how to access it: Use the Volume Decrease key (F10 or F11) until the volume is muted, signified by the volume graphic with a slash through it Now press the Mute key (F9 … Read More

Speed Up Mission Control Animations in Mac OS X

Feb 14, 2012 - 27 Comments
Speed Up Mission Control Animations

Boosting the speed of Mission Control animations can make Mac OS X feel a bit faster when switching between windows, spaces, and apps within the feature. It’s easy to do and reversible if you decide you don’t like it, launch the Terminal to get started. These defaults commands work in Lion, Mountain Lion, and beyond. … Read More

Use a MacBook Air/Pro in Clamshell Mode with Mac OS X Lion

Feb 13, 2012 - 12 Comments
Bluetooth wake from sleep option

Using a portable Mac with the lid closed is frequently called clamshell mode, and using clamshell has been made easier than ever since the introduction of Mac OS X Lion. There are actually two different methods, the first is for using a MacBook closed lid with or without external input devices attached, and the second … Read More

Disable Launchpad Fade Transition Effect in Mac OS X Lion

Feb 10, 2012 - 9 Comments
Remove Launchpad Fade Effect

Launchpad shows a fading transition anytime it is opened or closed, making for a nice effect over whatever is in the background. It’s pleasant looking, but if you don’t like it you can disable the fading with a few defaults write commands. You can also choose to disable only half of the transition, either for … Read More

Repair Boot Disk in Mac OS X with Disk Utility & Recovery HD

Feb 8, 2012 - 14 Comments
Repair Disk on Boot Volume

If you have tried to repair the boot volume before in Mac OS X before, you’ll undoubtedly have found the “Repair Disk” option is grey and unavailable within the Disk Utility tool. While this is still the case while booted in most versions of Mac OS X, you can repair the Mac OS X boot … Read More

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