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Track Down an Apps Preference File Easily By Watching Modifications

Nov 14, 2012 - 10 Comments
Track down plist files of apps easily

If you’ve ever had to track down a particular plist file for an app you know how frustrating the process can be. Though preference files are usually named in a logical manner, that’s not always the case, and regardless the prefix of com.(developer).(application) is not always the easiest to navigate through. One method is to … Read More

4 Useful Trash Keyboard Shortcuts Every Mac User Should Know (Plus, 7 Bonus Trash Tips)

Nov 13, 2012 - 13 Comments
Trash Shortcuts in Mac OS X

Trash is one of those overlooked aspects of Mac OS X that you probably don’t think much about, most of us just drag a file into it, empty the Trash to delete a document and free up disk space, and that’s about it. That’s fine, but there are also a handful of genuinely useful keyboard … Read More

Free Up Disk Space in Mac OS X with 5 Quick Tips

Nov 11, 2012 - 20 Comments
Huge swap and sleep image files in Mac OS X

Mac running out of disk space? Maybe you don’t have room for installing a new app, backing up a device, copying some files, or much of anything? If you’re running low on disk space or have ever received that dreaded “disk full” message when using a Mac, you know it can be pretty frustrating to … Read More

How to Generate & Change a MAC Address in OS X the Easy Way

Nov 9, 2012 - 18 Comments
Change a MAC Address easily in OS X with LinkLiar

If you need to change a computers MAC address (the unique ID attached to a physical network interface), but aren’t comfortable with the command line approaches that we’ve discussed before, an excellent free preference panel called LinkLiar makes it easy. Not only does LinkLiar make changing MAC addresses remarkably simple for any network interface on … Read More

Limit Application Usage in Mac OS X with Parental Controls

Nov 8, 2012 - 1 Comment
Restrict App Usage in Mac OS X

If you want to restrict app usage for a particular user on a Mac, there is no easier option than Parental Controls. This is a great solution for parents setting up a limited-access account for a kid, for public usage Macs, Macs in the enterprise, or even just for a restricted Guest account for when … Read More

Compare Contents of Two Directories from the Command Line

Nov 8, 2012 - 8 Comments
Compare directory contents from command line

To compare and list the different contents of two directories without the extra output you get through commands like diff, you can use the comm command instead. To get started, launch Terminal and type the following command, adjusting the directory paths as appropriate: comm -3 <(ls -1 folder1) <(ls -1 folder2) The output listed will … Read More

Turn Any Website Into a Self-Contained Mac App with Fluid

Nov 7, 2012 - 16 Comments
A website turned app by Fluid in Mac OS X

Fluid is a great Mac app that converts any specified web site into it’s own self-contained application, allowing you to do things like turn Gmail, Facebook, Wikipedia, Soundcloud, and Pandora, into their own dedicated app. Other than being useful for creating apps exclusively for particular websites, Fluid is also great for those of us who … Read More

Share Pictures Easily with Photo Streams in iOS

Nov 7, 2012 - 7 Comments
Using Photo Streams in iOS

Photo Streams are a great addition to iOS, but thus far seem to be an underused feature. With Photo Stream, you can easily share a collection of images with a select group of people, without having to go through the usual avenues of social networks. Instead, you create an instant gallery right out of the … Read More

6 Great Retina Wallpapers for iPad, iPhone, and Mac

Nov 6, 2012 - 1 Comment
6 high res wallpapers for iPad, iPhone, Mac

Everyone loves a good wallpaper, so we’re bringing you another little collection of great images to use as the desktop background on your iPad, Mac, iPhone, or whatever else you’re decorating. Each image is sized at 2048×2048 to accomodate the retina iPad display, but they’ll scale down to just file on virtually any other iOS … Read More

Mac OS X 10.9 Development Under Way, Regularly Appearing in Analytics Logs

Nov 6, 2012 - 14 Comments
Mac OS X 10.9 appearing in 9to5mac web logs

Development of the next major release of Mac OS X is well under way, with version OS X 10.9 regularly appearing in web analytics logs of OSXDaily, 9to5mac, AppleInsider, CultofMac, and several other Apple-related websites. This was first brought to light today by 9to5mac, whose graph above shows a handful of visitors from Cupertino California … Read More

Start a Time Machine Backup on a Remote Mac with SSH

Nov 5, 2012 - 3 Comments
Start a remote Time Machine backup with SSH

Time Machine backups can be triggered remotely thanks to SSH (Remote Login) and the command line. This is an excellent solution to use if you left the home or office without making an important backup, though the SSH requirement does add a potential layer of complexity that may make it more appropriate for advanced users. … Read More

How to Disable the Mac Boot Chime Completely

Nov 4, 2012 - 71 Comments
Disable the Mac boot chime

If you’re a Mac owner you know that every time the Mac reboots or starts up it makes a startup chime sound. Though you can temporarily mute the chime by holding down the Mute key on any Mac keyboard, you can also choose to disable it completely by turning to the command line. To be … Read More

List Your 15 Most Used Terminal Commands

Nov 2, 2012 - 17 Comments
Command History

The history command is a useful way to find specific commands that have been used in the past, and it can also be used to discover what your personal most used commands are with the following command string: history | awk ‘{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] ” ” i}}’ | sort -rn | head -15 The … Read More

Transfer Everything from an Old Mac to a New Mac with Migration Assistant

Nov 1, 2012 - 25 Comments
Migration Assistant

The simplest way to move everything from an old Mac to a new Mac is to use the built-in Migration Assistant tool. Migration Assistant can be used at any time, but ideally, it will be used on first boot of the new Mac, that way when it’s finished everything on the new machine will be … Read More

The Best Place to Buy a Used Mac is the Apple Refurbished Online Store

Oct 31, 2012 - 22 Comments
Refurbished Apple shipping box

If you want to buy a used Mac to save a bit of money, the best place to do so is directly from Apple’s Online Refurbished Store. We’ve bought used Macs from just about everywhere under the sun before, from friends, coworkers, Craigslist, and eBay, but nothing beats the official Certified offerings from Apple. Why? … Read More

Use the Help Menu as a Menu Item Action Launcher for Apps in Mac OS X

Oct 29, 2012 - 1 Comment
Help menu search and highlight

The Help menu that’s always visible in Mac OS X and within Mac apps is far more powerful than just serving as a knowledge base for questions about the app in use; it can also function as a full-fledged action launcher for any menu items. This is useful for when you’re either still learning keyboard … Read More

Finding Files from the Command Line

Oct 29, 2012 - 3 Comments
Search for files from the command line

Searching the file system for a specific document or file is easy and very fast. Though most users are best served using Spotlight from the menubar, there are times when either Spotlight isn’t working, you need more paramaters, you’re working in the Terminal, operating with a remote machine, or perhaps just would like to use … Read More

Use Gestures To Go Back & Forward in Many Mac OS X Apps

Oct 28, 2012 - 3 Comments
Use gestures to go forward or back in OS X apps

Mac OS X has a myriad of multi-touch gestures that have been expanded upon in modern versions of Mac OS X, and one of the better gestures is the two-fingered swipe left or right to go either back or forward in a wide variety of apps. This gesture is borrowed from the iOS world and … Read More

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