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Scroll Horizontally with a Mouse Wheel by Holding Shift in Mac OS X

Jan 26, 2012 - Leave a Comment

If you use a traditional mouse with a scroll wheel in Mac OS X and you need to scroll horizontally, all you need to do is hold down the Shift key and then use the scroll wheel. This shifts the normal scrolling motion to go side-to-side rather than the default up-and-down motion, allowing you to … Read More

Password Protect an External Drive in Mac OS X with Encrypted Partitions

Jan 25, 2012 - 38 Comments
Drive Password in Mac OS X

We recently showed you how to password protect files and folders using encrypted Disk Images in Mac OS X, but if you have an external drive you can go a step further. By using encrypted disk partitions, any drive, be it a USB key, flash drive, hard disk, or whatever else, can be set to … Read More

Stop Spotlight from Indexing Time Machine Backup Volumes & External Drives

Jan 24, 2012 - 11 Comments
Stop Spotlight from Indexing Time Machine Drives

The default behavior for Spotlight is to start indexing any drive as soon as it’s connected to a Mac, a task that can take a very long time with larger volumes. The problem is that for larger external backup drives and Time Machine volumes, you don’t necessarily want it indexed by Spotlight. This is particularly … Read More

Use a Zoom Window in Mac OS X

Jan 23, 2012 - Leave a Comment
Enable Picture in Picture zoom window in Mac OS X

Another option when enabling zoom in OS X Lion and other newer Mac OS X versions is to use a smaller floating zoom window, rather than zooming into the entire screen. This allows you to zoom into screen elements using a small zoom window that hovers over screen elements, kind of like a virtual magnifying … Read More

Compare Time Machine Backups and List All Changes Between Backups

Jan 21, 2012 - 4 Comments
tmutil compare output

Modern versions of Mac OS X include a great tool called tmutil that lets you interact with with Time Machine from the command line. It’s a powerful utility that has a ton of options, and we’ve used it before to disable local snapshots, but for the purposes here we are going to use tmutil to … Read More

Monitor Disk Activity in Mac OS X

Jan 20, 2012 - 3 Comments
Monitor Disk Activity in Mac OS X

You can monitor disk activity in Mac OS X by using the Activity Monitor app or several command line tools. Activity Monitor is the easiest and most user friendly, but the Terminal options allow further information to be retrieved.

iBooks Author for Mac OS X Makes Creating Interactive iPad Books Easy

Jan 19, 2012 - 8 Comments
iBooks Author

Apple has released iBooks Author, an easy to use app for Mac OS X that lets anyone create interactive multi-touch books for the iPad, these can be published on the iBookstore or iTunes U and offered as free or paid titles. iBooks Author should be a big hit with both small and large publishers, teachers, … Read More

How to Change Dock Stacks Icon Size in Grid View of OS X

Jan 19, 2012 - 7 Comments
Increase stack icon size

Stacks are a Dock feature in Mac OS X which allows for an easy way to see the contents of Applications, Documents, Downloads, and whatever other folder placed into the Dock. There are a few different ways to view the Stacks, which appear on the right side of the Mac Dock, like grid, automatic, list, … Read More

Set a User Agreement Policy to Appear Before Login in Mac OS X

Jan 18, 2012 - 28 Comments
User Agreement on Login in Mac OS X Lion

All versions of Mac OS X from Lion onward (meaning Mountain Lion, Mavericks, etc) can display messages that require acknowledgement prior to the standard login screen appearing on a Mac. For administrators, this allows a user agreement or acceptable use policy to be displayed before users can login, and for personal use it lets users … Read More

Rebuild the Spotlight Index

Jan 17, 2012 - 38 Comments
Rebuild the Spotlight Index

Do you need to rebuild the entire Spotlight index on a Mac? It’s easy to do, but can take a while. This tutorial will show you how to start the reindexing process of an entire drive in Mac OS X, we’ll do this using the Spotlight control panel, and we’ll cover an alternative method as … Read More

How to Take Screenshots of Screen Savers in Mac OS X

Jan 17, 2012 - 4 Comments
Take a screenshot of a screen saver

If you’ve tried to take a screenshot of a screen saver before, you’ve noticed that the keyboard shortcuts disturb the screensaver and wake the Mac up. The secret to taking screen shots of a running screen saver is to use the “Test” button while holding down half of the key sequence, here’s how: Open System … Read More

How to Enable the Video & Audio Encoder Tools in Mac OS X

Jan 16, 2012 - 19 Comments

An excellent feature in Mac OS X are the several built-in media encoding abilities, allowing anyone to encode and convert video and audio files to other formats right on the desktop or from any Finder window. Having covered a tip on how to convert video to audio using these media encoders, we discovered the feature … Read More

Convert Video to an Audio Track Directly in Mac OS X

Jan 16, 2012 - 19 Comments
Convert Video to Audio

Converting a video file to an audio track is made extremely easy with the help of the media encoding abilities of Mac OS X that are built directly into the Finder. With this, you can convert many popular movie formats into audio tracks, including video files of .mov, .m4v, .mpg, and mp4 format. The resulting … Read More

Restart the Finder in Mac OS X

Jan 14, 2012 - 6 Comments

Need to quickly restart the Finder in Mac OS X? Perhaps for a change to take effect with a defaults string, or to resolve a simple error or problem? Restarting the Finder does just what it sounds like, it quits the Finder application and then re-opens it again.

Show File Name Extensions in Mac OS X

Jan 13, 2012 - 11 Comments
File extensions shown in Mac OS X

File extensions (like .jpg, .txt, .pdf, etc) make it easy to see what a specific file type format is, but as many Mac users notice, those file extensions are hidden by default in Mac OS X. While hiding the format suffix makes for a cleaner user experience and is fine for many users, it can … Read More

How to Install Kernel Extensions in Mac OS X Manually

Jan 12, 2012 - 11 Comments
Kext files

Advanced Mac OS X users may find it useful to know that KEXT (kernel extensions) can be manually installed. The process of installing kexts manually into OS X is not too difficult if you’re comfortable with the command line, but it is a multi-step process of copying the appropriate .kext file to the appropriate kernel … Read More

Enable & Access AirDrop File Transfer in Mac OS X Quickly with a Keystroke

Jan 12, 2012 - 3 Comments
Quick AirDrop access

Remembering a keyboard shortcut makes using AirDrop even easier in Mac OS X, by quickly accessing the AirDrop window and enabling the Mac to be ready to accept or send files to other nearby computers.

Password Protect Folders & Files in Mac OS X with Encrypted Disk Images

Jan 11, 2012 - 25 Comments
Password Protect a Folder and Files in Mac OS X

You can password protect files and folders in Mac OS X by using a trick with disk images. Here’s how it works; by placing files inside of an encrypted disk image, that disk image will work like a password protected folder and require a password before it’s mounted, preventing unauthorized access to all of the … Read More

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