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How to File a Bug Report with Apple Directly

Sep 18, 2009 - 6 Comments

Though the Mac is fairly error free and tends to run much more stable than some of the competitors out there, many of us will find a bug or two in day to day usage anyway. Sometimes the bugs are minor, sometimes they’re fairly major and can dramatically impact how Mac OS X or iOS … Read More

Disable Bonjour by Turning Off mDNSResponder

Sep 15, 2009 - 11 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Bonjour is a great service that runs in the background of your Mac to auto-discover network resources, that is, it’s great until mDNSResponder goes haywire. I was recently in a very creatively crafted network environment that made Bonjour absolutely freak out and tax my CPU with a million processes, so I opted to just disable … Read More

iPhone Backup Location for Mac & Windows

Sep 11, 2009 - 96 Comments

If you’ve looking for the location of your iPhone Backup files in the file system of a computer, then you’ll be pleased to know they’re easy to find even if a bit hidden. Whether you use Mac OS X or Windows, the iPhone backup process is basically the same; iTunes backs up all of your … Read More

How to Burn an ISO on your Mac

Sep 11, 2009 - 8 Comments

Burning an ISO in Mac OS X is very easy thanks to the built-in Disk Utility application that is included from Apple on every Mac. With Disk Utility being bundled with Macs directly from Apple, it also has the huge added bonus of being free, and although there are plenty of paid options out there, … Read More

Force Snow Leopard to Use 64 Bit Kernel

Sep 10, 2009 - 21 Comments

By default, Mac OS X Snow Leopard boots using a 32 bit kernel. But did you know you can switch between the 64-bit kernel and 32-bit kernel upon boot? This should be useful to advanced users who may need to perform such a feet, though the average Mac use likely has no business forcing one … Read More

How to Tell if Mac is Running a 32-bit or 64-bit Kernel in Mac OS X

Sep 7, 2009 - 20 Comments

Ever wanted to know if your Mac is using a 32-bit or 64-bit kernel? It may seem geeky and in the weeds, but it’s now relevant. Snow Leopard 10.6 is the first Mac OS X version to ship with a 64 bit kernel, and obviously your Mac has to have a 64 bit processor to … Read More

How to get around Pandora’s 40 hour music limit

Aug 30, 2009 - 175 Comments

I love Pandora and use it all the time, so I was pretty frustrated when I discovered that I had hit the 40 hour limit and was being asked to pay for the service. Well, like any good Mac geek I poked around and figured out a way to reset the 40 hour limit (Windows … Read More

Eject a Stuck Disk from your Mac DVD Super Drive

Aug 28, 2009 - 78 Comments

A friend of mine that is new to Macs couldn’t figure out how to get a CD to eject, after some frustration he then complained that his MacBook doesn’t have the paperclip hole to forcibly eject a disc from the superdrive. After some discussion I realized he’s probably not alone in his confusion of how … Read More

The Fastest Way to Email a Picture in Mac OS X

Aug 22, 2009 - 1 Comment
Quickly email a picture from Mac OS X

The fastest way to email a picture to someone in Mac OS X is also one of the easiest, and it should be very familiar to most Mac users in that it’s action is remarkably simple.

Limit Connection Bandwidth with SpeedLimit

Aug 19, 2009 - Leave a Comment
Find Wi-Fi Connection Speed in Network Utility for Mac OS X

Do you need to limit your internet speed for testing? Maybe put a cap on your transfer and download speeds for simulation of slower connections? SpeedLimit is an open source project that allows you to do that.

Preview Not Saving JPG Rotation? Use Exif Data to Fix Rotated Image Display

Aug 14, 2009 - 4 Comments

I was driving myself up the wall recently trying to figure out why the Mac would not save my image rotations when I exported a picture from Preview in OS X, so in looking for a solution I stumbled onto our friend MurphyMac‘s site and found a solution! Basically after you have rotated the … Read More

Hide any File or Folder by Making it Invisible to the Mac OS X Finder with setfile

Aug 11, 2009 - 18 Comments

If you ever want to hide a file or folder, you can quickly make it invisible with a command line utility called setfile. This is a really cool tip that should be particularly useful to those who share their mac with other people.

How to Rearrange the Menu Bar Icons in the Mac OS X Menu Bar

Aug 11, 2009 - 7 Comments

The Mac menu bar contains icons for things like the status indicators and toggles of various apps, including a clock, date, time, battery, wi-fi status, sound and volume levels, displays, Time Machine backup status, user account, Spotlight, a Notifications toggle, and much more. There’s a lot of data and status details in those menu bar … Read More

Get All DHCP Info with ipconfig Quickly

Aug 6, 2009 - 3 Comments

If you’ve ever needed to troubleshoot a network or internet connection, you know how frustrating it can be (particularly when you’re on techsupport with various broadband providers). This quick tip can make the job a little easier on yourself by retrieving all relevant DHCP information, like DHCP server IP, client, subnet mask, router, DNS servers, … Read More

How to Create an IP Alias in Mac OS X using ifconfig

Aug 5, 2009 - 8 Comments

In some trickier network situations, your computer may be assigned an IP but need an entirely different IP address to access certain network resources. You might be wondering, how on earth do you have two IP addresses at once on the same Mac? The answer; Create an IP Alias! Using an IP alias allows your … Read More

Get Immediate Dictionary Definitions Using Spotlight

Aug 5, 2009 - 1 Comment

Using your Mac, iPhone, or iPad, and you need to know the meaning of a word, and quick? That’s easy. Just bust open Spotlight with Command + Spacebar on the Mac or iPad, or pulling down from the Home Screen on iPhone, and type in the word you want to get the definition for. One … Read More

Easily Change the Mac OS X Boot up Image with BootXChanger

Aug 5, 2009 - 2 Comments

I’ve been bored with the standard Mac OS X boot up screen and it’s grey Apple logo, and a few times I have scoured around trying to change it manually to no avail. Today though, I stumbled into a post on my friends blog that makes changing the Mac OS X boot image a snap … Read More

Require a Password on Waking from Sleep, but Not When Screensaver is Active

Apr 26, 2009 - 9 Comments
Screen saver with no password

Have you ever wanted to have your Mac require a password on waking from system sleep, but not ask for a password when the screensaver is on or the screen was locked? Well, me neither, but someone out there might and it’s kind of a nifty customization tip that has some valid uses in some … Read More

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