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Show Only Unread Emails in Mail for Mac OS X

Jun 8, 2016 - 15 Comments
Mail app icon

Managing large numbers of emails can be time consuming, but one way to help tackle email on the Mac is by setting up an Unread Emails Only inbox. This allows Mac users to easily view unread mail messages without having to scroll through already read emails, since only the new or unread emails will be … Read More

How to Reload bash_profile, zsh profiles from Command Line

Jun 7, 2016 - 4 Comments
Terminal in macOS

For anyone making customizations to their command line appearance, prompt, adding aliases, a new PATH, setting environment variables, or otherwise changing their bash_profile, bashrc, zshrc, and related shell profiles, it’s helpful to know how to quickly reload the profile. Many users simply launch a new shell or open a new terminal window, but there is … Read More

Fix for Retina MacBook Pro 13″ Freezing Issue Offered by Apple

Jun 6, 2016 - 72 Comments
Freezing MacBook Pro

A number of Mac users have discovered that their computers are freezing at random after updating their computers to OS X 10.11.4 and sometimes with OS X 10.11.5 as well. The problem is rather annoying as the Mac becomes entirely unresponsive and requires a forced reboot intervention, though disabling WebGL in Safari seems to help … Read More

Use a Website as a Screen Saver on Mac

Jun 5, 2016 - 13 Comments
Use a webpage as a screen saver on Mac

Have you ever wanted to have a web site or web page used as a screen saver on Mac OS X? Well you can do exactly that with the help of a free screensaver called WebViewScreenSaver, which allows Mac users to add URLs to serve as the content of a screen saver whenever it’s activated … Read More

Preview Files in Trash with Quick Look for Mac

Jun 2, 2016 - 7 Comments

Have you ever noticed that once a file is in the Trash, you can’t open it or view it? If you try to open or use an item that is within the Trash in Mac OS X, you’ll get a dialog warning that says “The document ‘name’ can’t be opened because it’s in the Trash. … Read More

How to Set Default Email Address in Mail for Mac OS X

May 31, 2016 - 12 Comments
Mail app icon

Mac users who have multiple email accounts setup with the Mail app may wish to change or set the default email address that is used throughout Mac OS X. This can help to prevent accidentally sending an email from the wrong email address, which should be particularly helpful for those who juggle work and personal … Read More

How to Setup 2-Factor Authentication on Apple ID for Extra Security

May 30, 2016 - 8 Comments
Two factor authentication for Apple ID

This guide will walk through setting up two-factor authentication for an Apple ID. Two-factor authentication requires that whenever a user is logging in to an Apple ID from a new untrusted device, not only must the proper password be entered but a secondary security ID code must be entered as well, which is typically delivered … Read More

How to Download Photos from iCloud to Mac or Windows PC the Easy Way

May 26, 2016 - 259 Comments
How to download photos from iCloud

One of the most common questions regarding using iCloud and iCloud Photo Library is how to download photos from iCloud once they have been stored there. This is a deceptively simple question, and we’re going to push aside any of the complexities of downloading pictures from iCloud Photo Library within Photos app on the Mac, … Read More

How to Remove a Symbolic Link (Symlink)

May 25, 2016 - 8 Comments
Remove a symbolic link with unlink or rm command

Removing a symbolic link is achieved through the command line, and as we’ll show you, there actually two different ways to undo a soft link. This is aimed at users who spend a lot of time at the command line, but for the less familiar, symbolic links are used in Linux, Mac OS X, and … Read More

How to Create an Email Address

May 24, 2016 - 34 Comments

If you created an Apple ID based on your own unique email address and use that for logging in to iCloud and other Apple services, you may have missed the part where you can create a new separate email address. Not to worry though, if you decide you want to create a new and … Read More

How to Increase All System Font Size in Mac OS X

May 23, 2016 - 47 Comments
Increase Mac system text size with Larger Text scaled option

Mac OS X defaults to a predefined set system font size for all onscreen text and user interface elements, and while many users will find the default text size to be sufficient, some users may wish the system font size was larger, and some may wish the Mac system text size was smaller. It turns … Read More

Use an Animated GIF as Wallpaper in Mac OS X with GIFPaper

May 21, 2016 - 16 Comments

Have you ever wished the wallpaper on your Mac was animated? One common trick to achieve that effect is to set a screen saver as the desktop wallpaper in Mac OS X, which looks great but can wind up using a fair amount of processor to display the animations, but now another option is available; … Read More

How to Delete iPhoto Library, but Why You Probably Don’t Need to

May 20, 2016 - 19 Comments
The iPhoto Library file

Now that most Mac users have migrated their pictures from iPhoto to Photos app in Mac OS X, when you’re absolutely certain that all the pictures have come through successfully you may decide to delete the old iPhoto Library file on the Mac. This is usually not necessary due to how Photos importation works with … Read More

Workaround for Freezing Macs with OS X 10.11.5 and OS X 10.11.4?

May 19, 2016 - 138 Comments
Freezing Mac with Safari in OS X 10.11.5 and OS X 10.11.4

As we mentioned months ago, some unlucky Mac users have been experiencing random frequent system freezes since updating to OS X 10.11.4 and/or OS X 10.11.5. The problem is not a subtle one and you’re already well aware if it impacts you; at random, the entire Mac freezes up and becomes unresponsive requiring a forced … Read More

How to Show Password Hints at Login in Mac OS X

May 18, 2016 - 6 Comments
Hide password hint in Mac OS X login screen

Assuming you use FileVault or don’t have automatic login enabled on a Mac, anytime the computer is rebooted you will be presented with a login and password screen. For users who change their passwords often, or who are just on the forgetful side of things, a helpful trick can be to display password hints at … Read More

OS X 10.11.5 El Capitan Update Available for Mac

May 16, 2016 - 96 Comments
OS X El Capitan 10.11

Apple has released OS X El Capitan 10.11.5 for Mac users, the update includes bug fixes and improvements to the Mac operating system and is recommended for all users running a prior version of El Capitan.

Get Active Flight Information on Mac OS X from Nearly Anywhere, Instantly

May 15, 2016 - 7 Comments
Flight information pops up on Mac to display the flight details

One of the most useful features of Mac OS X is the feature called data detectors, which allow users to highlight text and words to then get instant dictionary definitions, details about movies and other media, and, as we’ll show you here, you can even get data about airplane flights that are coming and going.

Fixing Wi-Fi “Connection Timeout Occurred” Errors on Mac OS X

May 14, 2016 - 40 Comments
Wi-fi connection timeout error is fixed and works again on Mac

Connecting to wireless networks is pretty much mandatory these days, particularly now that most Macs only have wi-fi cards and no built-in ethernet, and so it can be incredibly frustrating to be unable to join a wi-fi network. Typically when you can’t connect to a particular wi-fi router on a Mac, you’ll see the error … Read More

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