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How to Access Reader Mode in Safari on iPhone & iPad

Aug 23, 2022 - 2 Comments
How to access Reader mode on Safari for iPhone

Reader Mode in Safari is a fantastic feature for Safari on iPhone and iPad that lets you more easily read just about any web page, and works particularly great on longer articles or pages with a lot of clutter. Basically Reader mode will strip away any and all other page content except for the article … Read More

How to Change Safari Reader View Font & Background on iPhone & iPad

Sep 4, 2021 - 1 Comment
How to Change Reader View Font & Background on iPhone

Do you take advantage of Safari’s Reader View on iPhone or iPad? If so, you may be excited to know that you can further improve the reading experience by changing the text font, as well as the background color of the Reader View in Safari.

How to Print Webpage Articles Without Ads from iPhone or iPad, and Safari

Nov 2, 2017 - 10 Comments
Print webpages simplified and without clutter using Safari in iOS

If you like to print out articles from the web via an iPhone or iPad you may appreciate this tip, which allows you to strip down a webpage or any web article so that the primary focus is on the article text content and photos. Essentially this lets you print out webpage articles without any … Read More

How to Print a Web Page Without Ads from Mac OS

Aug 2, 2017 - 26 Comments
Print an article or webpage without ads from Mac

If you ever print articles from the web, you may be interested in learning how to print a stripped down and more simplified version of articles so that only the article content is printed. This is made easy on a Mac with Safari, where by using a little trick you can print out a webpage … Read More

How to Change Safari Reader Font, Text Size, & Color Theme on Mac OS X

Jun 20, 2016 - 4 Comments
Safari icon

Safari Reader offers an alternate reading view for webpages which strips away most of a websites styling and reducing the page to just the content of the article. The Safari Reader feature is great for reading long articles on the web, and Mac users can further improve the Reader experience by customizing the look, font … Read More

How to Remove the Adobe Acrobat Reader Plugin from Safari in Mac OS X

Oct 5, 2014 - 11 Comments
Delete the Adobe Acrobat Reader plugin in Safari

A variety of applications attempt to install Adobe Acrobat Reader into Mac OS X, and many Mac users approve the installation and don’t think much of it. Typically when Acrobat Reader has been installed, it takes over the default PDF viewer that is built into Safari and uses a separate often slower Acrobat plugin for … Read More

Use Safari Reader Mode for Improved Mobile Web Browsing & Reading on iPhone

May 29, 2014 - 9 Comments
Use Safari Reader on an iPhone

Safari Reader mode simplifies the appearance of web pages by attempting to render only a pages primary article text into a minimalistic focused view. This can be helpful when reading much of whats found on the web on any iOS device, but it’s particularly useful on the iPhone since many websites don’t have an optimized … Read More

Use Shared Links in Safari for iOS as a Simple News Reader

Apr 23, 2014 - Leave a Comment
Shared Links on Twitter in iOS Safari

Twitter integration is pretty deep throughout OS X and iOS with the sharing abilities and various uses of Siri, but another often overlooked Twitter feature is part of Safari and called “Shared Links”. Put simply, Shared Links can be thought of as an extension of the handy Reading List feature of iOS and OS X, … Read More

Load Up Your iPad with a Massive Library of Over 38,000 Free eBooks

Apr 5, 2012 - 7 Comments
Free eBooks for iPad

The iPad is a great device to read on, and if your digital library is feeling a little bare then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve found some of the best places to get free ebooks, ready to be downloaded and opened with iBooks on your shiny new iPad (or iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Nook, … Read More

How to Increase Font Size in Safari on iPhone by Using Reader

Oct 16, 2011 - 5 Comments
Larger text on iPhone by using Safari Reader

Have you ever wanted to make the text size on a webpage bigger when you’re reading a web site on an iPhone? Some web pages are easy to read on iPhone, and some are not. If you find font or text sizes in Safari to be maddeningly small for some web pages when you’re reading … Read More

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