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How to Create File Templates on Mac with Stationery Pad

Aug 25, 2021 - 2 Comments
How to Create File Templates on Mac with Stationery Pad

Do you want to make changes to a file or document without affecting the original file? In that case, you might be interested taking advantage of Stationery Pad to easily create file templates on your Mac.

Create an App Mockup Easily for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS with Apple Design Templates

Jun 24, 2018 - Leave a Comment

Apple has released a collection of helpful design resources that encompass various UI elements of iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. User Interface elements including the Home Screen, notifications, various screens, controls, buttons, glyphs, and views are available through the freely available templates, making it simple to mockup and design an app with visual accuracy.

What Would a 7″ iPad Mini Feel Like? Now You Can Get an Idea

Jul 8, 2012 - 11 Comments
iPad mini mockup on an iPad

With so many rumors of a smaller iPad mini floating around, it’s sounding increasingly possible that Apple may indeed make such a device. Assumed to have a 7.85″ vertical display, it would be about 2″ smaller than the current iPad, so how would that feel and what would it look like?

iPad Retina GUI Elements PSD Template Now Available for Free

Apr 12, 2012 - 1 Comment
iPad Retina GUI Template PSD

Designers and developers will appreciate the newly released retina iPad GUI elements template available now as a free PSD download from Teehan+Lax. Based on iOS 5.1 and the new iPad’s retina UI elements, these PSD files are an excellent resource for quickly mocking up iPad apps, workflows, and general iOS concepts. You’ll need Adobe Photoshop … Read More

Easily Create Beautiful iOS App Icons with this DIY Retina Icon Kit

Mar 26, 2012 - 6 Comments
Free iOS DIY Retina Icon Kit

It’s rare that app developers and web developers double as graphic designers, leaving some apps and websites to include fairly hideous iOS icons. As we’ve said before, icons matter, however superficial they may be, so instead of shipping an app or site with an ugly icon do yourself a favor and download this do-it-yourself retina … Read More

Retina iOS App Icon Template PSD

Mar 8, 2012 - 14 Comments
Retina iOS App Icon Template

If you’re spending the time and money to develop an iOS app, don’t skimp on the icon. This may sound like silly advice, but the fact is a good icon can make your app stand out in the App Store and on a users home screen, encouraging both downloads and use.

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