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Find & Replace Text in Multiple Documents from the Command Line

Aug 20, 2013 - 1 Comment

If you’re comfortable with the command line and ever in a situation where you need to find and replace a word, phrase, URL, or character across a group of multiple text documents, perl does the job quite well. A simple command string will very quickly perform a group batch find and replace on text, whether … Read More

Turn the Terminal into a Matrix-Style Scrolling Screen of Binary or Gibberish

Aug 15, 2013 - 3 Comments
Scrolling Matrix terminal window

The command line is usually thought of as serious and we usually only cover useful terminal tricks that are fairly advanced, but not everything in the Terminal has to be useful. To prove that, we have three command strings that when pasted into the OS X Terminal, do nothing but scroll screenfuls of random text, … Read More

How to Run Speed Test from the Command Line to Check Internet Connection Speed

Jul 31, 2013 - 12 Comments
Terminal in macOS

The excellent curl and wget tools provide for a simple way to test the speed of an internet connection directly from the command line. Curl is bundled with most unix variations, but Mac users who want to use the wget trick will first need to grab wget for OS X in order for this to … Read More

Quickly Get an External IP Address from the Command Line

Jul 16, 2013 - Leave a Comment
External IP address example

Need to quickly get your external IP address from the command line for SSH or otherwise? No sweat, you can use either the curl command or dig to extract the information quickly from a variety of sources. We’ll focus on two different options that have proven to be reliable over time, the first is quite … Read More

Get Super Quick SSH Shortcuts from the Mac OS X Menu Bar with Shuttle

Jul 11, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Quick SSH shortcut access from the menu bar

Shuttle is an excellent little Mac app for those who frequently use SSH to connect to remote or local servers. It’s functionality is very simple: you gain a little SSH menu bar item that pulls down to give you super-quick access to whichever servers you have configured. Selecting one of the servers immediately launches terminal … Read More

3 Ways to View Zip & Archive Contents Without Extracting in Mac OS X

Jun 17, 2013 - 10 Comments
View Archive contents without extraction with BetterZipQL

Wondering what is in that zip file or archive you downloaded, but you don’t want to extract it to find out? Maybe you are hunting around in a see of archives for a specific file you zipped up a while ago, but you’re not quite sure which archive contains it? You can easily peer into … Read More

Secure Remove Files & Directories from Mac OS X with the Command Line

Jun 9, 2013 - 5 Comments
Terminal logo

Need to securely delete a file, group of files, or an entire directory, insuring that it’s quite literally never recoverable by any known possible means? You can do this easily from the command line with the help of an incredibly powerful tool called srm. srm, as you may have guessed, stands for ‘secure removal’, and … Read More

Watch Network Traffic in Mac OS X via Command Line with nettop

Jun 7, 2013 - 8 Comments
Nettop network activity

Mac OS X includes an excellent command line network utility called “nettop” that allows users to monitor all network activity, traffic, and routes from a Mac to the outside world, both through local (LAN) and wide area (WAN) connections. If you’re unfamiliar with networking tools like this, you can think of nettop as a network … Read More

Create a Large File from the Command Line or Disk Utility for Testing Purposes

May 31, 2013 - 2 Comments
Large test file created at the command line

Large empty files are often used for testing purposes during disk access tests, development, QA, zeroing out data, and scripting. Though it’s certainly not applicable to most users, it’s easy enough to do that anyone can try it out even if you don’t have a specific need. We’ll cover three ways to quickly generate files … Read More

How to Pause & Resume an App or Process in Mac OS X

May 30, 2013 - 9 Comments
Pause a process in Mac OS X to save CPU

Need to quickly free up some processing power? You can do that easily by temporarily pausing and then later resuming any active process or application in Mac OS X. Technically, this is actually ‘stopping’ and ‘continuing’ a process, but a stop is not to be confused with the more aggressive killing or force quitting applications … Read More

Mount & Unmount Drives from the Command Line in Mac OS X

May 13, 2013 - 64 Comments
Mount and unmount drives from the command line in Mac OS X

You can mount and unmount drives, volumes, and disks from the command line of MacOS and Mac OS X. For many users, the easiest way to unmount a drive in Mac is to either just drag a volume into the Trash, use the eject keys, disconnect the drive, or use one of the force eject … Read More

7 Advanced Tricks to Reclaim Disk Space for Pro Users of Mac OS X

May 10, 2013 - 14 Comments
Hard drive icon

Running out of disk space is never fun, and drive space comes at a premium for those of us with smaller SSD drives like the MacBook Air with a 64GB or 128GB drive. These tricks are fairly advanced and thus aimed at the pro segment of SSD users who are comfortable modifying system functions and … Read More

How to Exclude Files from a Zip Archive

Apr 30, 2013 - 6 Comments
Zip archive icon

The easiest way to exclude many specific files or a group of matched files from a zip archive is by skipping the easy zipping utility built into Mac OS X’s friendly UI and turn over to the command line, where the powerful zip command resides.

Improve Command Line History Search with These .inputrc Modifications

Apr 24, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Terminal logo

If you’re a heavy command line user, you’re probably well aware that the arrow keys can be used to flip through previously executed commands and the tab key can complete them. But both of these functions can be significantly improved upon for searching through past command history by adding a few modifications to your .inputrc … Read More

How to Change File Ownership in Mac OS X

Apr 23, 2013 - 10 Comments
User icon

Though it’s somewhat rare to encounter ownership and permissions errors in Mac OS X, it can happen, particularly when an account has been moved, or a files owner has been modified by a third party application. Oftentimes you can just run through the process to repair user permissions, but that’s not always guaranteed to sort … Read More

Customize the Command Line by Adding Emoji Icons to the Bash Prompt

Apr 8, 2013 - 11 Comments
Add Emoji icons to the Terminal prompt

A very unique and amusing way to customize the bash prompt appearance is to add one of Mac OS X’s Emoji icons to transform the appearance of the prompt itself. This isn’t going to be the most practical tweak in the world on it’s own, but it is entertaining and because it’s using traditional methods … Read More

Keep Track of Defaults Write Commands Used in Mac OS X Automatically

Apr 3, 2013 - 11 Comments
used defaults write commands list

If you like to tweak Mac OS X with a lot of defaults write commands from the terminal, you already know how hard it can be to keep track of them. Sure you can query command history for specific command syntax, and you can always use grep to find executed defaults commands, but there’s a … Read More

Rickroll the Terminal with curl

Apr 1, 2013 - 10 Comments
Rick Roll the Terminal

Ever wished you could find a new creative way to rickroll your particularly tech savvy friends? Just about nobody is fooled by the random YouTube links anymore, and URL shorteners alone aren’t always enough, but now you can bring the persistently annoying rickrolling to the Terminal of OS X and Linux by running a simple … Read More

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