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Get htop for Mac to Watch & Manage System Resources, CPU, Memory, etc

May 6, 2011 - 12 Comments
htop for Mac

If you like to keep an eye on system resources and you want to branch out from the GUI Activity Monitor, check out htop for Mac. htop is basically a significantly improved version of top, which lets you monitor system resources, CPU core load, memory use, load averages, and view and manage individual running processes. … Read More

Transfer Clipboard Text & Source Code From One Mac To Another Over SSH

May 5, 2011 - 6 Comments
Transfer Source Code and Text over SSH

Do you have some source code, text, or a command string that you want to securely transfer from one Mac to another? Combining the command line clipboard tools pbcopy and pbpaste with SSH we can do exactly that, and it doesn’t matter where the other Mac is located: be it LAN, WAN, or anywhere. Here … Read More

Change the Appearance of Terminal Windows Quickly on Mac

May 2, 2011 - 1 Comment
Change Terminal Appearance with Inspector

You can quickly change the appearance of any Terminal window by using the Inspector tool in the Terminal app for Mac, which can be summoned at any time for any specific Terminal window or tab. Inspector is very easy to use, so here is how to change the appearance quickly using it:

Show What Apps & Processes Are Using an Internet Connection via Command Line in Mac OS X

Apr 29, 2011 - 3 Comments
Mac Wi-Fi Tool

Much like you can monitor Mac OS X filesystem usage through the command line, you can also discover what apps and individual processes are currently using your Macs internet connection. This is a really handy trick if you know your bandwidth is being used by something, or if you’re just trying to track down what … Read More

Disable Wake From Sleep When Opening the Lid of a MacBook Pro

Apr 26, 2011 - 7 Comments

If you don’t want your MacBook Pro to wake from sleep when you open the lid of the machine, all you need to do is launch the Terminal and type the following command:

Get a Macs Serial Number from the Command Line

Apr 25, 2011 - 11 Comments
Get a Mac Serial Number the easy way from About This Mac overview

You can quickly retrieve any Macs serial number via the command line by using the ioreg or system_profiler command and grep for the serial string. Getting the serial number from the command line like this can be helpful for troubleshooting, Single User Mode, remote management with SSH, or for many other reasons, though most users … Read More

Monitor Mac OS X Filesystem Usage & Access with opensnoop

Apr 22, 2011 - 11 Comments
Monitor Mac OS X Filesystem Use and Access

The opensnoop utility is an amazing tool for tracking down specifics like what files specific applications are accessing, but you can also use opensnoop to monitor all filesystem access in Mac OS X. To do this, run the utility with no flags attached: sudo opensnoop You’ll be asked for your root password, and then you’ll … Read More

Follow System & Kernel Logs from Command Line in Mac OS X

Apr 20, 2011 - 1 Comment
Mac OS X Console Logs from Command Line

If you’re troubleshooting some of the more difficult problems that you can have on a Mac, a good place to look are the System & Kernel Logs contained within Console app. But you can access the same OS X logs from the Terminal too.

Set Terminal Focus to Follow the Mouse Cursor in Mac OS X

Apr 18, 2011 - 12 Comments
Terminal in macOS

If you’re coming to Mac OS X from elsewhere in the unix & x11 world, you might be used to the focus of Terminal windows following your mouse cursor. With a little command line magic, we can enable this hidden feature in the Mac OS X Terminal.app too.

Need an SSH App for iPhone and iPad? Check Out Prompt

Apr 14, 2011 - 4 Comments

If you’ve been looking for a great SSH client for iPad or iPhone, Prompt is probably exactly what you’ve been searching for. Released by Panic software, Prompt is a great looking SSH app that includes a bunch of features to improve the SSH experience from an iOS device. Notable features are: autocompletion of frequently used … Read More

Connect to a Wireless Network from the Command Line

Apr 12, 2011 - 16 Comments

Using the powerful ‘networksetup’ utility, we can connect to wireless networks directly from the command line of Mac OS X. The syntax you’ll want to use to accomplish joining a network is as follows: networksetup -setairportnetwork [interface] [router SSID] [password]

Use Aliases to Create SSH Shortcuts

Apr 11, 2011 - 12 Comments

More fun with SSH! We showed you how to setup SSH config files and use tab completion for SSH aliases, but setting up bash aliases is even easier if you are connecting to the same server over and over again.

Quickly launch a new styled Terminal window

Apr 10, 2011 - 3 Comments

You can quickly launch a new styled Terminal window through the apps Mac OS X Dock icon. Just right-click (two-finger click for trackpad users) on the Terminal app, navigate to “New Window” select a preconfigured style.

Quickly Copy HTML & CSS Source to the Clipboard with curl

Apr 9, 2011 - 4 Comments

Using curl and pbcopy, we can quickly grab and copy HTML and CSS code from any URL via the command line. This should be a helpful tip for the web developers out there, but for anyone looking to check the source of a web page through this can be an invaluable little trick.

Enable Tab Completion for SSH Aliases

Apr 6, 2011 - 17 Comments

Yesterday we showed you how to setup a basic SSH Config file, and here’s how to make that even more useful: enable tab completion for those SSH aliases. Throw this into ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc # Add Tab-completion for SSH host aliases complete -o default -o nospace -W "$(/usr/bin/env ruby -ne ‘puts $_.split(/[,s]+/)[1..-1].reject{|host| host.match(/*|?/)} if $_.match(/^s*Hosts+/);’ … Read More

Quickly Backup a Site Through FTP with wget

Apr 4, 2011 - 4 Comments

If you want to quickly backup an entire website through FTP, the absolute easiest way to do this is through the command line using the wget command. In fact, you can backup an entire site (or whatever else is on the entire FTP server) with a single command string.

Relaunch the Mac OS X Finder

Mar 22, 2011 - 12 Comments

Generally speaking, if you kill the Mac OS X Finder it will automatically restart itself as it should. We say “generally” because from time to time things don’t go exactly as planned, and on rare occasions the Finder won’t reopen itself after being killed, restarted, or manually quit. When the Finder doesn’t auto relaunch itself … Read More

Disable the Spaces Animation in Mac OS X

Mar 9, 2011 - 9 Comments

Anytime you flip between Spaces in Mac OS X there’s a fancy animation, this is nice and all but it makes switching Spaces slower than it needs to be. You can disable the animation which speeds up Spaces transition a bit. Disable Spaces Animation Launch Terminal and type: defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-swoosh-animation-off -bool YES Then … Read More

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