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Fix Audio Syncing Problems When Playing Video with VLC

Jun 3, 2010 - 4 Comments

Every once in a while you’ll come across a video that has audio syncing problems. Sometimes it’s minor where the sound track and dialogue is off by a few milliseconds and it’s barely noticeable, other times it can be off by as much as a few seconds and this makes watching the video almost impossible. … Read More

Make Easy Time Lapse Photography with Mac iSight Camera & Gawker App

Jan 31, 2007 - 1 Comment

All of us have likely admired the results of a nice time-lapsed sequence, perhaps of a flower opening or the sun setting, the effect of time lapse video can be simply gorgeous. So, wouldn’t it be cool to do these on your own with little effort? With a Mac and the front-facing FaceTime / iSight … Read More

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