TabStop – Warn before closing tabs in Safari

Jun 26, 2007 - 6 Comments


If you’re anything like me, you’ve accidentally hit command-Q while in Safari on the Mac and lost tons of important tabs. Unfortunately there’s no warning so if you make such a mistake, that’s that.

Well, not quite anymore, thanks to TabStop.

TabStop is a handy utility that causes Safari to warn you before closing a browser window if it includes multiple tabs, so you’ll no longer lose those tabbed sites by mistake.

It’s worth noting that TabStop does not work with Safari 3 beta, nor does it need to since Safari 3 includes a built-in warning.

Perhaps this feature will be included in Safari one day? But for now, it’s available as a browser add-on.


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Posted by: Bill Ellis in Mac OS, Utilities


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  1. William Wallace says:

    hey, where are the updates? I miss the tips

  2. Pete D says:

    I used to like your site, but if you are trying to build a following you are not doing a very good job. The daily term may be slightly misleading. If you don’t care about updating the site you should just close it down. IMHO

  3. Chris says:

    Are you guys too busy playing with your iPhones for updates? On vacation maybe? It’s been a loooooong time now.

  4. Jeremy says:

    Ill be removing OSX Daily from my book marks now.. No new updates in nearly 3 weeks? whats the point?

  5. Geetali says:

    Safari 3.0b does this by default. Don’t need any 3rd party softwares.

  6. William Wallace says:

    I have a better idea: use Firefox

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