5 Tips to help Independent Developers to succeed in the App Store
Successfully developing for the iPhone and iPod Touch is fun but it’s not easy, sure, you’ll want a good book
, but after you’ve written your first app, what do you do next? TechCrunch for mobile geeks site MobileCrunch has a couple great detailed tips for small independent developers to increase their chances for success on Apple’s App Store for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Here’s the readers digest version:
- #1) The Hare beats the Tortoise. Develop fast, release often.
- #2) Make sure the price is right. (basically, $1)
- #3) Show off your feathers. (ie: have a good looking icon and screenshots)
- #4) Partner for success. (group with other small developers to cross promote)
- #5) PR isn’t all its cracked out to be. (send links to blogs and reviewers, but don’t bother spending big money on a PR rush)
Read the details and more helpful hints at MobileCrunch: Rising to the top -5 ways indie developers succeed in the app store
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