iTunes DJ functionality in iPhone Remote app lets party guests request and choose songs
The new version of the Remote app for iPhone [iTunes link] has a great social feature that allows party guests with the app installed to connect to iTunes shares, see what’s currently playing, add songs to playlists, vote on songs to be played, and make requests.
As the linked posterous blog states: “This is the future of the juke box. The democratization of music wherever you are.”
How cool is this for iPhone party goers? It’s only a matter of time before this makes its way into bars, lounges, and nightclubs.
Check out more here: Sachin@Posterous: At your next party, use iTunes DJ to let *your guests* pick what music is played and vote on the next song
[iPhone image borrowed from above posterous link, it’s not my Britney Spears playlist, I swear]
This option is not available in iTunes 11 !!!
Voting for music was in the previous version of Remote. It’s a feature of the iTunes DJ in iTunes 8 and now in 9. In fact, the voting feature was probably in several previous versions of Remote.
If only the voting feature didn’t completely disable the ability to rearrange the play order. I want to know the votes, but not necessarily have the votes control things. Hmmm…