Kill the Flash plugin with BashFlash

Feb 10, 2010 - 6 Comments

bashflash It’s no secret, I hate Flash. It’s the plastic pink flamingos of the web but worse, it’s crass, it’s loud, it’s obnoxious, it will crash your web browser, and on a Mac it is a literal drag on the machine, sucking up the CPU and memory as if there’s no tomorrow. Adobe really laid a pile of dung with Flash on the Mac, which is probably why Apple won’t allow Flash to run on the iPhone or the new iPad. Anyway, enough of my opinions and ranting about the Flash problem, here’s some solutions:

I am a huge fan of ClickToFlash, the Safari plugin that prevents all Flash from loading unless you approve it. But what if you allow a Flash object to load with ClickToFlash and it goes crazy? Now comes BashFlash, a perfect compliment to ClickToFlash. BashFlash is a little menubar extra that automatically warns you if Flash is taking up too many CPU cycles (usually is) and lets you kill the Flash culprit instantly. Hooray! Your web browsing experience is normal again!

The only bad thing about BashFlash is that it requires a 64 bit Mac, but this is because 64-bit Safari forces Flash to run within it’s own process ID on 64 bit systems (interesting, I learn something new every day!), allowing BashFlash to target the resource hogging process and end it instantly.

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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Mac OS, Utilities


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  1. Stove Jobs says:

    Because everything else sucks, People don’t downgrade to PC’s because Windows sucks, flash player shouldn’t be a problem anyway but it poses one and that’s adobe’s fault not Apple that’s why it was avoided on the iOS. Windows is just a fault harbourer and it came across a wider problem than just flash overusage, that’s why all this ‘permission’ crap came in on vista, because windows couldn’t control anything. But here Flash is being allowed usage except it’s exploiting it and overusing ‘like there’s no tomorrow’. Mac OS X UI way better than windows, performance enhancing technology there, easy to use and none of that virus crap. Reliable, software made by the same people that make your computer lets see you get a problem solved when you start souping up your PC from hundreds of different brands, they’ll just blame it on the next best alternative: ‘you’re using another brand which is clashing’

  2. Bill Gates says:

    Flash works great in windows, maybe you should just get a PC noobs

  3. tanderson says:

    You may or may not find this interesting.

    Post from one of the Flash Player engineers addressing the memory concerns of the player in Safari, and the 10.1 release which is a move towards Cocoa for the player on Safari.

    Not saying developers aren’t responsible for heavy swfs, but i am guessing your displeasure is form experience and that experience has probably mostly been from annoying ads that abuse wmode or websites that have no business or necessity in leveraging the Flash Platform.

  4. tony says:

    If you hate Flash so much, why do you have Flash ads on your site? Seems a little hypocritical to me.

  5. Kevin says:

    Isn’t a little silly to remove software by installing more software?

  6. erick says:

    why don’t you simply uninstall it ?

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