Reskin iTunes 10 with High Constrast Mode
You can completely change the appearance of iTunes 10 by running the application in something called High Contrast Mode, which effectively inverts the list display so that the text is white on black (see the screenshot, it’s a very pronounced change).
To enable High Contrast Mode, enter the following command into the Terminal:
defaults write high-contrast-mode-enable -bool TRUE
You can revert the changes back to the normal iTunes 10 appearance with the following:
defaults write high-contrast-mode-enable -bool FALSE
This tip from LifeHacker is just one of many adjustments and features made available to iTunes 10. My personal favorite addition is the new iTunes 10 album art mini player but you can also do things like change the iTunes 10 icon back to iTunes 9 and make the iTunes 10 control buttons horizontal again. Happy iTunes hacking!
reskin |ˈriːskɪn|
verb ( -skinned, -skinning) [ trans. ]
replace or repair the skin of (an aircraft or motor vehicle).
who is Reskin?
reskin is not a word, neckbeard.