3 Free iPad Games for Cats (Seriously)

May 19, 2011 - 9 Comments

Remember the so-called “Worlds Best Video Game for Cats” for iPad that was put out by an iOS developer? Of course not, but anyway, now they have some competition from none other than Purina Friskies, who has released three free games for iPad exclusively for your furry friends.

In case you’re skeptical that cats will actually play games on an iPad, watch the video above, or just open the links below from a tablet and let your cats go to town:

The games are basic and feature things like fish swimming around or pieces of kibble exploding into more kibble as the cat (or you, if you’re so inclined) touch the screen. Not to spoil the iPad cat party, but the games will actually run on any browser or tablet thanks to HTML5, meaning they’ll run on any iOS device and Android too.

Cat playing iPad games

Proof that the iPad has a market far beyond… expected uses…

Heads up to 9to5mac for pointing me to this very important Apple-related news.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Fun, iPad


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. Qibs says:

    What abt scratches?

  2. Abby cat says:

    My cat Abby loves the fish but is just insistent she can get them from UNDERNEATH the “pond” (iPad)… It actually works sometimes! The others are satisfied just to watch or smack their mouths on the screen/fish. Greatly entertaining for me at least!

  3. May says:

    My cat loves the fish and the other games

  4. Tiddles says:

    Creepy… my cat didn’t paw them as such but he was mesmerized by the moving fish and couldn’t take his eyes off it.

  5. cheesy says:

    i have a cat dont think il let it loose near the ipad though

  6. Brotha says:

    Hey look, it’s the first and only use I’ve seen for an Android tablet ever!

  7. Paul says:

    Why should humans have all the fun?

  8. WTF says:

    And just when I thought the LinkedIn bubble IPO was the dumbest thing I’d seen all day, this comes along to take the cake.

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