New iPad 2 Commercial: Now
Apple has started to air a new iPad 2 commercial on TV, it’s titled “Now” and follows a similar theme to the other two recent iPad 2 TV ads.
“Now we can watch a newspaper, listen to a magazine, curl up with a movie, see a phone call, now we can take a classroom anywhere, hold an entire bookstore, and touch the stars. Because now, there’s this.” ļ£æ iPad 2
In classic Apple style, it shows people what they can actually do on an iPad, and manages to convey quite a bit in just 30 seconds. All in all, it’s an enjoyable commercial, and if you watch TV you’ll probably see airing soon if you haven’t already.
StarWalk. $5.
when they say “touch the stars” what app is that?
If you want to see this on TV watch 60 Minutes tomorrow night, Apple almost always grabs airtime during the breaks.