This reader submitted minimalist Mac setup comes from Danny B, it’s a MacBook Pro 17″ turned into desktop workstation thanks to the connected Apple 24″ Cinema Display, wireless keyboard, and Magic Mouse.
Thanks for sending this in Danny!
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This sweet reader submitted Mac setup comes from Nasar A. and features a little bit of everything: an Apple Cinema Display is connected to the MacBook Pro 13" on the right, a MacBook Air 11" sits to the left, and an iPad 2 Wi-Fi and white iPhone 4 round out…
This awesome reader-submitted Mac setup features a MacBook Pro 13" connected to the rotated monitor to the right, the little screen below is a 7" Mimo display, and the iPad to the left is running AirDisplay. But that's not all, the 20" display floating atop them all is hooked to…
This is a nice Mac desk featuring a MacBook Pro 15" atop a Griffin Elevator Laptop Stand hooked up to an external 20" Apple Cinema Display and an iPad sits alongside them both. Under the desk is a Mac Pro, but I don't know if it's in use... thanks for…
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The proportion of the desk taken by the macbook and its placement so close to the keyboard makes the arrangement look ridiculous. Put it in a drawer or something.
This is really nice! I’m thinking this might be a good choice when my current iMac bites the dust. The one thing I hate about the iMac is the integration – I would much prefer a really good display with the CPU and everything else separately.
How are you connecting the Macbook Pro to the display?
Oh I’m sure the safe bet is on the mini display port…
The proportion of the desk taken by the macbook and its placement so close to the keyboard makes the arrangement look ridiculous. Put it in a drawer or something.
This is really nice! I’m thinking this might be a good choice when my current iMac bites the dust. The one thing I hate about the iMac is the integration – I would much prefer a really good display with the CPU and everything else separately.
Where do I send pictures of my computer set up, is just crazy. I’m definitely the maccest of the mac guys.
This setup really makes me want an ACD, they are gorgeous.
That is definitely a 17″ MacBook Pro, or it’s a tiny desk.
Thanks for posting my setup! For the technical details: It’s actually a 17″ Macbook Pro and a 24″ Cinema Display. Love the site.
Updated, thanks for the details!