Drag Files & Folders Between Desktops & Full Screen Apps in Mac OS X 10.7.2
One of the subtle changes in the Mac OS X 10.7.2 update is the ability to drag files and folders between Desktops and Full Screen apps in Mission Control. All you need to do is grab a file or folder and start pulling the item off the screen in the direction of the Desktop or app you want to bring it to. There’s a brief second of resistance to prevent accidental dragging, and then the desktops rapidly switch over.
For instance, now you can drag and drop a folder into the Full Screen Terminal app and it will print the directory path as usual, or you can drag images from one desktop into another with Photoshop open. This is a great little addition to boost productivity, although if you drag an item into the Dashboard Space it’s fairly useless.
The drag and drop addition was briefly mentioned in the release notes but with all the excitement surrounding iOS 5 it was easy to overlook nearly all of the changes to OS X 10.7.2, other than iCloud of course.
Hey this is a good looking site, is wordpress? Forgive me for the foolish question but if so, what theme is? Thanks!
I really hope this is just a bug, I WANT the gesture while I’m dragging a file :(
[…] Drag Files & Folders Between Desktops & Full Screen Apps in Mac OS X 10.7.2 Drag Files & Folders Between Desktops & Full Screen Apps in Mac OS X 10.7.2… Source: osxdaily.com […]
You can enable 3 finger drag in trackpad settings and drag lock and a few other options in universal access/trackpad settings.
But i really liked how in 10.7.1 i could drag files between desktops using the gestures, i can no longer do that. . . . .
is there a way to go back to the default settings ?