Official Gmail App for iPhone and iPad Released
Google has released an official native Gmail app for iOS that runs beautifully on the iPhone and iPad. The app is free and has all the features you’d expect in a mail client, including notifications, threaded messages, Gmails priority inbox feature, inbox search, easy photo uploading, and a great split screen view for the iPad. The official feature list:
With the Gmail app, you can:
● Receive notification badges for new messages
● Read your mail with threaded conversations
● Organize your mail by archiving, labeling, starring, deleting, and reporting spam
● Keep track of important messages with priority inbox
● Auto-complete contact names as you type
● Send and receive attachments
● Search through all your mail
Download Gmail for iPad or iPhone from the App Store
Gmail for iOS is a free download and worth checking out if you’re a heavy Gmail user and wanting an alternative to Apple’s default Mail app.
The release of the Gmail app also demonstrates that Apple is easing up on some of the restrictions regarding apps that share functionality that already exist on the iPhone. This could possibly lead to an increase in other native mail clients being accepted into the App Store, such as Sparrow.
Not available in US stores!
Why use a Gmail native app if you use Exchange for your Gmail?
I’m getting an error that the app is not available in the US Store. Is the link correct?
Yes the app was pulled due to a bug, it’ll be back soon presumably
“The iOS app we launched today contained a bug with notifications. We have pulled the app to fix the problem. Sorry we messed up.” — @gmail
I can’t figure out how to enable push notifications.. And nothing is showing up from Gmail in my general notifications settings.. Any ideas?
The app was pulled by Google for a bug related to notifications, give it a day or two and hopefully an update will fix it.
With native support built into IOS5, why use an app?
I love Gmail and like Google but this app is rubbish, it’s simply the iOS framework wrapped around web view and an HTML5 container!
No reason to ditch Mail for this one, if Sparrow comes to iOS then I’ll get excited.