It seems like all Mac users these days have an iPhone or iPad to compliment their setups, and this weeks Mac setup shot from Andreas H has the best of all worlds. Hardware shown is:
Outside of the picture is an Apple Magic Mouse, an old PowerBook G4 12″ from 2003, an Apple TV2, two AirPort Extremes, two AirPort Express, and assorted other peripherals.
Want your Mac setup featured? Send pictures of Apple & Mac setups to and include some brief hardware details and what you use it for.
Most Apple fans own several iProducts since it's so easy to go from a Mac to an iPad to an iPhone, but Fabiano F. has a setup that goes beyond Apple gear and branches into other mobile platforms, including Palm, Android, and even a Kindle. Hardware shown from left to…
It's rare to find a Mac user that doesn't have other Apple gear, and this Mac setup from Steve B is no exception. The setup includes a little bit of everything: 21" iMac (late 2011) 13" MacBook Pro (late 2011) iPad (3rd gen) iPhone 4 iPod touch (1st gen) iPod…
The relatively simple Apple setup of Adranb is a bit of a contrast from some of the more decked out Mac setups we've shown lately, but that doesn't make it any less functional, plus he's got a great collection of Apple stuff that goes along with it. Hardware shown in…
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Is the a ipad dock to the right of iMac if so, where can I buy that. Looks real nice.
Sorry, right of iMac it’s not an iPad dock, it’s a pencil box. ;-) For iPad dock (outside of picture) I use the “Skadoosh stand for iPad” from Jadu:
For me iPad steals the show!!!!!
nice pi poster too!
Nice clean setup
I like the lighting on those unique walls also 
Love this thread. Keep them coming
It looks like an Elevation Dock. I’ve ordered one off of Kickstarter a while back but they haven’t started shipping yet. I wonder how he got his?
It isn’t an Elevation Dock. It’s made of a massive oak wood block… more information and other wood at ;-)
The iPhone dock is a massive wooden block, hand made in Germany from
I was wondering what kind of iPhone dock that is too. Does anyone know?
What kind of iPhone dock is that???
*sings* Here I come to save the DAAAAAAY!!!
I too, read my e-mail, “said, wow, cool wallpaper, how do I get that”
plz plz plz
Nice Desktop.
I love the iMac wallpaper. Can you post a link for download it? Thanks!
I liked the iMac wallpaper too and I think I found it! High resolution offered here….
I like the iMac wallpaper