Conan O’Brien Rips on iPad Mini in Hilarious Fake Commercial [Video]
Oct 25, 2012 - 5 Comments
Conan O’Brien has has long been a Mac fan, but that doesn’t stop the Conan Show from ripping on everyones favorite fruit company in a reliably hilarious manner. The latest offers a revised look at the iPad Mini commercial which aired during the unveiling event, and adds some new lyrics to Heart and Soul being played in Garageband… no spoilers, just watch the video embedded below for a good laugh:
HAHAHAH so funny !. I gotta admit the original commercial for this is really good. Very catchy and makes me want to buy an Apple Mini. APPLE 4 LIFE !
Glad we can all laugh at ourselves. Like we are helpless here :)
For people in Canada, you can see Conan’s ad here at the 9 minute 9:00 mark:
Thanks. I sometimes feel that I live in Turkmenistan when I see the censored screen…
LOL, I love Apple and all their products but there’s an element of truth here. If I bought everything they put out I’d be broke!