Every Apple Startup Chime [Video]

Dec 12, 2012 - 1 Comment

Take a trip down memory lane with this short video featuring every Apple startup chime ever used.

Yes, Apple startup chimes, because if you thought it was just Macs that had that familiar startup sound, then watch the video to be reminded of a certain little mobile Apple device that was simply just ahead of it’s time.

Most longtime Apple fans have fond memories of boot chimes and the dorkiest amongst us can even identify a Mac by that startup sound alone.

Interestingly, a lot of newer Mac users are annoyed with the sound, which can be stopped temporarily by holding the Mute button during boot.

Am I the only one who kind of wishes there was a startup chime on iPhones and iPads? Yes that could be very annoying, but if it was optional it’d sure be fun to hear, and personally I would enjoy it as a longtime Apple fan.

This is an amusing little find by Gizmodo, who notes that Apple has apparently been awarded a patent for such boot sounds.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Fun

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  1. Gil says:

    Is there a way to substitute the current sound for one of the older ones? I really like the 6100 and the Mac 20th Century sounders. Maybe like creating ringtone, perhaps?

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