How to Change the Country for iTunes & App Store Accounts
Country association with an Apple ID, and thus the App Store and iTunes Store, can be changed easily. This allows access to content and apps that are country or region specific, and it’s extremely helpful for a variety of situations, whether for travelers, expatriates, or for anyone who is trying to view, download, or purchase items on another countries App Store or iTunes Store. While switching is easy, there are a few caveats to consider when changing the Apple ID country.
Quick note about changing countries: adjusting the country association with iTunes will also change the country for the App Store, and vice versa. In other words, if you set the country to be “USA” or “Japan” on your iPhone for the App Store, that change will carry across to the Apple ID to your other devices using the same ID. That includes a Mac, iPad, iPhone, or whatever else you’re logged in with. Basically, the country sticks with the Apple ID, just remember that.
How to Change the Country Associated with an Apple ID from iOS
This can be done from the Settings on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch:
- Open Settings, and go to “iTunes & App Stores”
- Tap on the Apple ID and enter the associated password
- Choose “Country/Region” and select the new country to associate the account with
Do note that if you change the country associated with an Apple ID, you will need to update billing information so that it corresponds to an appropriate address in the new country. That is required before you will be able to purchase anything from the new countries app store, though gift cards work as well if they are issued in the country of choice, and you can also switch countries with iTunes accounts that have been setup without a credit card on file and download free apps and music only.
Changing Countries from iTunes on the Desktop
This will work in iTunes for Mac OS X or Windows:
- Launch iTunes and go to the iTunes Store
- Click on “Account” and log in, under “Apple ID Summary” choose “Change Country or Region”
- Select the new country as desired
Again, you will need to update billing information to be in accordant with the new region if you intend to purchase anything.
Important Considerations for Changing Country Association of Apple ID’s
Some apps will no longer be able to update if they were available on one countries App Store and not another. That can be remedied by changing the country back to the original country that was associated with the download or purchase.
You won’t be able to switch countries if you have any remaining iTunes account balance, and you would get a message that says “you must spend your balance before you can change stores.” This limitation also applies to accounts with an active iTunes Match subscription.
A friend’s Region was changed to USA by us Using media & purchase but later is changed back to Nigeria, any solution asap pls.
I bought my iPhone from my brother who’s ID is of the U S
but I’m trying to change the ID to Nigerian
store to enable me download apps on my App Store but it isn’t working for me
,pls what should I do?i need a quick response on the solution!
The simplest thing to do would be to log out of his Apple ID account, then reset the iPhone as new (this erases all data on the iPhone), then set it up again, entering your Apple ID on the iPhone and setting it up for the country you desire to use it primarily in
I have Apple ID from India, now am in USA. Wang to change country/ region for updating payment details but error as “ you cannot change country/ region at this time”. Please guide.
I live in Albania. I need the Vodafone App. The App store won’t let me have it until I change my Country in iTunes. iTunes won’t let me change my country until I quit Apple Music. BUT!!!!! When I quit my Apple Music subscription I still can’t change my country. I just get the window that says “To Change your country or region, you must first quit Apple Music.” I JUST DID!!! Is it possible that you have to wait until the end of your billing cycle? Or does Family sharing have anything to do with it?
Why doesn’t Apple have anyone you can talk to like everyone else!?!?
It’s funny to change the region the credit card of the region you are in will not work and with this you won’t be able to change the region. So many restrictions. There should be more flexible with this. I mean how why is it made so difficult..for eg..m trying to change from my current region to US, however I get the error message, credit card details not valid… sad
I am in Costa Rica and Costa Rica has no addresses so there is no address associated with my debit card that I would like to link up to my apple payment options. When I tried to change the country and region I got a message that read “at this time, you cannot change your account store information” and nothing else… WTF please help!!!
I changed my country from the US to Japan and when I tried to change it back all my music from my library was gone including all my playlists.
I do not know what am gonna do it was impossible to change the store from netherland to my home country Ethiopia please help me and what Shell i do?
Thanx a lot. Steps worked

Iphone disabled
Many Thanks!!! It works for me.
Hi there is no my country name(myanmar) in signing in Itune app.
I have moved back to South Africa and would like to change my credit card details and country, I do have a balance in the account but cannot use it as the card has expired. please assist. I do not mind losing the balance
I have no credit card.
You must spend the balance. hey apple, why don’t you make an app where people can donate a money to their favorite or a selection of Charities.
Why you dick around cancelling 3 cents?
It makes “NO Cents”
I tried to change apps store but it’s pop out saying I need to cancel my subscription of my ‘Music’ that I bought in US.
I have since cancelled the trial subscription which will only expire in Jul.
And it still doesn’t allow me to change store even though I have cancelled it.
Please advise
some apps are country specific which means one cannot download the app unless the Apple account is in that country.
I use an apple phone for Switzerland and an other Apple phone for France and therefore I need 2 different Apple accounts. How to do it?
I have my country for USA but it still puts me in the Chinese store I don’t get it
Thanks!! Finally I was able to change my app store country
My apple account was registered when I was in the US, I moved to Romania and misplaced the credit card. I am trying to input a new credit card for Romania and it isn’t working, I actually want to swap my account to Romania …
I try to change the region and switch country from USA to Cambodia, but i still have 0.7$ as a gift card. They told me to get real of it? How can I buy any app at 0.7$
How can I change the country from Egypt to Japan without losing my previous purchases done in Egyptian Store
Also I want to know how can I add Japanese Credit Card information beside Egyptian Credit Card Information
I have a US App Store account, been using it for years. Went to buy my kids a new education game and was informed that it was only available at the U.K. App Store. I agreed to go there to get the app. Now I can’t go back to the US Store unless I cancel my apple match and music subscriptions? How can I get back to the US Store without canceling my subscriptions?
Hi, i want to change my app store from Singapore to Netherlands .. it doesnt accept my Singapore credit card when i change store.. n when i try to change store with out adding any credit card details it doesnt accept .. what should i do?? Please advicdle
I have moved country, I did not change my country or payment details – all was fine till my old debit card expired and could not make purchases. Now done every possible thing to try to change country in Apple settings – nothing works, I have identified one active subscription w mapmyrun but cannot cancel through App Store or mapmyrun website ! Driving me crazy n Apple helpline has me on hold for 19mins n counting
Hi… Can you help me how to create Apple ID account without credit card… I follow the old version that I’ve search after signing all the information and click the word “none” then they said contact support iTunes I search again the latest is march2016 then after signing again they said “contact support iTunes please help how to solve this
Thank you
I don’t have a credit card but I want to change to us region to download free apps what to do now
Account got banned, don’t remember date of birth settings, can’t access email :/ what am I gonna do
I try chane region but I don’t want credit card I want non do I I have indian I’d and want to change us non perched id
How to get my iPhone id
I tried to change from Irish store to US store to download a specific app but to be honest… It’s making me frustrated. I found a random billing address and don’t need credit card details but it asks me to ask for assistance at and I don’t know what I did wrong
I can’t do it still I need assistant to change my location on my phone
I am trying to change the Region in Iphone5s but it asking me for adding my Credit crad details. But i donot want to add my credit card details in This. wHAT SHALL I DO?
I changed my country from canada to the USA and LOST ALL MY PURCHASES!!!!
I am trying to change from Holland to NZ but it won’t accept my Dutch credit card. Isn’t it what credit cards are all about ? That you can pay globally???
Why Maldives is not in Apple country list?? So funny
It’s not a country
I tried to do like it but it showed “Your credit was declined “. What should I do then? I am pretty sure there’s nothing wrong with my credit card tho.
I also have a 76c balance. I would like to change countries. Please advice!
Many Thanks!!! It works for me..
I tried this and many, many other methods for several hours and my iPhone 5s was simply not letting me access apps. It was telling me I needed to change my app store, but not allowing me to access my AppleID from my phone(I moved to NZ from the US). Changing my country on my AppleID in iCloud didn’t work either. I finally discovered that I could change it through iTunes and then sync my phone with iTunes. Good luck!
Were you able to update your purchased apps with your new country- and credit card settings?
Please help… It keeps prompting me to switch to a Norwagan store to be able to create a new apple ID but thats not what i want. Ive used the phone for months and i love in Nigeria, wondering where all this is cominng from.
Help ooo
I use an iphone 6 but all these steps are not working for me. Is there something I’m getting wrong?
I have a 75c balance : I cant spend this amount as its so small :: I would like to change countries:: please help
I have set up my account for Philippines but all purchases are in US dollars.. Whenever I purchase Apple Apps in US dollar, my credit card is charged with an extra 3.5%.. Is there anyway I could purchase apps in Philippine Peso so that I can avoid being charged with an extra percantage?
Are you using a US credit card? If so, you probably won’t be able to avoid it. If you have a bank account in the Phillippines, try using a card affiliated with that account.
I too had the same issue. Followed this article and issue resolved.
Do I have to pay to change the store? Please reply me
Nope you dont
When I go into country and region its not giving me the option to change country or region. Any help.??
The key issue I have with country changes is that I have no idea what will happen to app updates, which in some cases are security updates.
If an app is available in the current as well as the “new” region, it stands to reason it should continue to update, but that is an assumption, not an Apple-confirmed fact. Even if that was a fact, I still have risks as I cannot tell which apps are region limited and will not update, that critical information is simply not provided. I suspect that’s partly because a visible region limit may make you sensibly decide not to buy a region limited app/media/publication (etc etc).
On the plus side, that uncertainty (and inability to top up the account from abroad as payment instruments are region limited) has made me decide to not spend at all, which has saved me a lot of money by now (it’s been 2 years since I moved). At some point I may want to put some software again, or music, but I would like to know that I am not throwing an existing investment in IP away by changing region or country.
(addendum – this issue exists for both iOS as well as OSX, but at least you can still buy software for OSX without having to go through the App Store – the above is one of the reasons why I avoid the App Store now)
I can’t. It doesn’t let me. And what allowance? Sheesh. How much money do I need to do this. I only have 32 cents and there’s nothing you can do with 32 cents.
You have a store credit balance;you must spend your balance before you can change stores.
Help me please how can i do
To remove your balance you have to contact iTunes support and ask them to do it. You will lose whatever your balance is, but you will then be able to change stores.
Click on Purchases, Billing & Redemption then click on The Topic is Not Listed and send an email request to remove your balance.
mine does not say country any where is there another way?
I followed the steps but where I have to chose change country – region it doesn’t give me the option to change it at all.
I followed this and it worked for me. I had an iphone back in 2007 when I was in USA and my apple ID had USA credentials. Now I moved back to India and used same apple ID on my iPhone 5s. iTunes used to take me to USA iTunes Store. But after changing the country by following this, I am able to use Indian iTunes Store .
I try to change from Belgium to US, but I need to enter a Zip Code before I can change the country.
Hi !
I tried to change the country of my itunes account but when I tried from my mac they say : “You have at least one incomplete pass. Passes must be completed before you can change stores”
So what are those passes??
Thanks in advance !