Mac Setup: The Desk of a Systems Engineer
This weeks featured Mac setup is the desk of systems engineer Dave B., let’s get right to it and learn a bit more!
Tell us a bit about the hardware in your Mac setup
- MacBook Pro 13″ with Retina Display
– 2.5GHz CPU, 8GB RAM
- Dual Samsung 24″ LED Displays at 1920×1200
- Apple Wireless Keyboard
- Apple Magic Mouse
What do you use your Mac for?
I’m a systems and communications engineer. The Mac is used for designing networks for clients and troubleshooting the variety of network issues.
I’m the only Mac in the office, all of the other engineers are on Windows.
What are the essential apps for your work?
I use and prefer Chrome over Safari. For Remote Desktop (RDP) connections, I use RoyalTS, RoyalTSi for iOS, and RoyalTSX for OS X.
VMWare Fusion, the virtualization app, is essential for running the Windows apps that don’t have a Mac equivalent.
Do you have any Mac tips you want to share?
Learn the Mac keyboard shortcuts! (Editor note: you can browse our archives for useful keyboard shortcuts for both Mac OS X and iOS)
Do you have an Apple setup or Mac desk you want to share with OSXDaily? Go here and answer a few questions, take several high quality pictures, and send them our way!
This is what I have found works really well for RDP and SSH connections. I am a former Systems Engineer that got hornswoggled into management so my needs are more than likely more casual than yours..but it is a great client none the less.
Even simpler: lack of awareness on the picture-taker’s part
False B&W photo? Why do people do this? As a B&W photo, it fails on all aesthetic/technical fronts. Use color unless you know what you’re doing. Without skill, B&W is poser.
Just to anger people, I reckon.
Thanks for the tip on Royal TSX… i absolutely loathe the App Store’s Microsoft Remote Desktop app (although i must say the latest update fixed a lot of issues, but it’s now a 4 out of 10 rather than a 2 out of 10)
Yeah, it needs some improvement in terms of rd gateway and session hosts. But it’ll get there!
I have tip too: Get a full size keyboard.
Haha why? I don’t have a need for a number pad.
If you do, that’s great! :)
Oh yeah, one more Mac. That’s Brendon. Haha
My name is also Brendon and I’m a Foundry Process Engineer. I too am the only Mac user in the company. :)
Cough cough the only Mac in the office :p haha nice article!
Trig, I run one screen from the HDMI and one from one of the Thunderbolt ports.
Philip, I’m not at my laptop at the moment so I can’t give you that info. It was bought in July last year (if that helps)
How does the Retina MBP drive two displays that aren’t Apple Cinema? I thought you had to daisy-chain Lightning only monitors? Is that possible without a USB adapter?
There’s HDMI and a single TB-port. Problem solved.
Also, to the editors, please state what model the CPU is. The clock speed itself is not relevant at all; a new 2 ghz hashwell CPU beats a 5 year old 5 ghz CPU by a lot.