Mac Setup: The Desk of a Security Tester
This weeks featured Mac setup arrives from Don W., a security researcher and developer who has a great workstation with six displays and some interesting additional hardware. Let’s dive in and learn a bit more!
What do you use your gear for?
Security testing and script development.
What hardware is included in your Mac setup?
Primary Apple hardware
- Mac Mini (2010 model)
- MacBook Pro (2008 model)
- Power Mac G5 (2004 model) – main board blew out so this became a Hackintosh
- iPhone 6 Plus
- iPad 3
- Apple Watch
- Apple Wireless Keyboard & Magic Mouse
Other Machines
- HP 8300 SFF
for Solaris 11
- HP 8300 SFF
for Windows 10
- Raspberry Pi
for Wireshark Appliance (like so)
Other hardware bits
(click to enlarge to full size)
What software do you use most often?
- VMware Fusion
- Safari
- Teleport
VMware has multiple VM’s running Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 2012 Server, and Linux.
Send us your Mac setups! And if you’re not quite ready to share your own workstation yet, browse through previously featured setups instead.
hope to see more powerful hardwares from apple on desktop and laptops otherwise hackintosh rules :-)
Lights on the walls are Binary clocks (thinkgeek)
PowerMac G5 – you have to guess
Mac Mini mounts are just L brackets with another bend in them to support the Mac.
Samsung 24″ Monitors (1920X1200)
Ok, love the little sneak-in of the Raspberry Pi screen there :)
what app is running on tablet, which shows star trek TNG theme
You’ll find it here:
Actually, its this:
what monitors did he use?
Nice. I’ve never thought of putting a Mac mini on the wall before. I wonder what kind of mount that is.
At least he didn’t bore us with a long back story and details!
“Power Mac G5 (2004 model) – main board blew out so this became a Mackintosh”
Did you mean “Hackintosh” instead of “Mackintosh”?
What are the lights on the walls?
Nice setup. Like the wall mounted Mac mini too.
> What are the lights on the walls?
Above the Mac Mini is definitely a binary clock. idk what the other set of lights on the other wall are.