How to Disable Boot on Lid Open on MacBook Pro (2016 & Later Intel Models)

Jan 19, 2017 - 33 Comments

New MacBook Pro boots automatically when lid is opened

The newest MacBook Pro models default to automatically powering on when the laptops lid is opened, or when the Mac is connected to power. This may be desirable to some users, but not everyone may be pleased with an automatically booting MacBook just when the display lid is lifted open.

With a visit to the command line of Mac OS, you can turn off the power on / boot on Lid Open feature on the latest MacBook Pro models with Touch Bar.

Disable Boot on Lid Open / Power Connection on MacBook Pro (2016+ Intel)

  1. Open the Terminal, which is found in /Applications/Utilities/, and then enter the following command syntax exactly:
  2. sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00

  3. Hit return and authenticate with the admin password (necessary due to sudo)
  4. Exit Terminal when finished

With AutoBoot turned off, when the MacBook Pro lid is opened, it will no longer boot the computer or turn the computer on simply by opening the lid. Additionally, connecting the power cable will not automatically boot the Mac. Instead, the behavior is like it was on earlier Macs, which can open the lid of a Mac without turning the computer itself on.

Return to Default Setting of Booting on Lid Open with MacBook Pro

To return to the new default setting of booting automatically when the lid opens or when the power is connected, return to the command line and issue the following command syntax:

sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03

Hitting return and authenticating will complete the change. You can also reset Mac NVRAM to return the setting to default.

If you’re not sure what setting is enabled, using “nvram -p” will print the nvram settings that have been or can be configured.

This is a handy tip similar to adjusting whether or not the new MacBook Pro makes a boot sound effect or not. Thanks to a thread on MacRumors forums for the appropriate AutoBoot syntax.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Mac, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. Bambang says:

    Show all power setting :
    sudo pmset -g

    Disable power-up on lid and ac plug
    sudo pmset -a lidwake 0 powernap 0

  2. Edward says:

    I have both Apple Mac Pro M3 pro and Dell Windows Professional for my Job both are exactly the Same Dell as soon as you open the lid it will laptop will turn back on and you can not change this option even with windows

  3. Hamid says:

    Such a ridiculous problem with Apple! Is exist thousands of configuration there but for this big problem, there is no!

    What do they doing exactly?

  4. The Badger says:

    Yes I did it and the Mac stops starting on lid opening and now when I open it I get the battery % showing for one second.

  5. Bronco says:

    Hi folks,

    I just tried this (changing sudo nvram AutoBoot value from %03 to %00) and it had no effect on the auto boot once I open the lid of my 2021 MacBookPro 16″ running Monterey 12.4

    Fortunately, it did not seem to mess anything up.

    If anyone hears of a solution that works don’t be shy to post it here or on Apple Community discussions. Everyone’s input is always appreciated.

    Thank you and have a great Apple day ! ;-)

  6. James says:

    In case anyone tries this on a MacBook Pro M1 running Monterey, here is what happened:

    I noticed that my Mac did not have AutoBoot when I ran nvram -p, but I ran the sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00, and opening the lid still booted up. I removed the AutoBoot setting (since it wasn’t there to begin with) using nvram -d AutoBoot.

    I noticed another value, auto-boot, that was set to true. So I ran sudo nvram auto-boot=false. When I rebooted, my Mac was toast! A circle with an exclamation (!) and the support recover URL.

    Following the directions, I had to hook up a second MacBook, and download an Apple configuration tool, and try the revive process (very slow) and if that didn’t work, restore.

    The revive was taking forever. So I went logged into the dead Mac’s recovery area (press and hold the fake power button until options come up). I launched Terminal, and ran nvram auto-boot=true — and my MacBook worked again. No need for reviving or recovering. Whew. I will just need to live with the power-up when the lid is raised or when any key is pressed.

  7. Cy says:

    I called Apple and it doesn’t work because Apple computers after 2016 don’t have the NV software and that’s why it won’t work.

  8. Ian Hutchinson says:

    This doesn’t work on a 2020 MacBook Pro running Big Sur.

  9. AG says:

    Mine isnt working, i cant type anything where it shows password

    • VR says:

      There won’t be any indicator of typed letters, since it is a password prompt. Just type and press enter.

      • Cy says:

        I called Apple and they said computers newer than 2016 don’t have the NV system and that’s why it doesn’t work

  10. Steve Jobs says:

    I do this and it stops the boot when lid open, but in it’s place I now get the battery symbol come up with the percentage of battery charge. Has anyone else experienced this happening? Thanks

    • Your Mom says:

      My MBP is doing the same. But I don’t dislike the feature because I feel like its a nice thing to have.

  11. Not Steve Jobs says:

    Tim Cook has ruined everything good about Apple. In the news* Apple to produce their own processors! I guess they want more control over reducing processor power/speed to force you to upgrade. I miss Jobs…

    • Apple Goes Down says:

      Agreed! Apple continues to become more like Windows was long ago when I left them for Apple. Making stupid changes to both the hardware and the OS. I am now considering buying a Windows laptop again! Never thought I would be saying THAT! Funny how things have come full circle.

      • Albert says:

        Wow! This is so much how I feel about Apple right now, I thought I wrote it!

        • sylvia says:

          I agree. Apple is making changes thinking they are simplifying, ok make the changes but give people the option, that’s what made apple great years ago, being able to customize. if my 4k Mac Book is going to be this buggy and annoying I might as well bought a 2k HP, which I was seriously considering….

    • Daniel says:

      Same conclusions. They don’t care about mac users: useless touchbar, stupid coloured tags, smaller keyboard keys to move up and down in texts, disappearance of the “save as command”, automatic switching on of the mac, and so on…

      Cook’s mad race to Windows.

      OK, Windows has improved a lot recently, why not give it a try?

  12. Craig says:

    My question is how are we supposed to clean our keyboards and trackpads if this auto boot happens on a kb press or a touchpad press…v annoying. :(

    • Antoine says:

      Turn it off while open…

      • Banks says:

        It turns right back on, you must not own one

      • Jim says:

        Easy! You simply download an application called KeyboardCleanTool from

        When the app is open, it turns off your keyboard input and lets you wipe your computer down without actually typing anything. Best of all, it’s free!

        • Albert says:

          Sorry, but that just sounds absurd to me. So now you are suggesting I run additional software to help me do something so simple that I should be able to do it when the machine is off. Because Apple is using software to keep the machine always on. LOL

    • Mark S says:

      Just open a new Notepad or terminal – you’ll get a bunch of gibberish no doubt. Exit w/o saving when done cleaning.

  13. Lee says:

    Just need one of these for the ridiculous new features for the 2018 models. Would love to disable “boot on keyboard press” and “boot on touchpad press”.

  14. Flemming says:

    I have tried the tip as this auto boot annoyed me – but I had so many strange problems after that change. I tried to revert but then other problems started like extreme dark logon screen and I had to press on button several times to get Mac to boot.
    I finally reset NVRAM with the boot while holding down CMD+Option+P+R. Now it works again. I looked and the NVRAM output after reset. No Autoboot variable exist. Maybe tip to revert should be to delete the variable instead.

    My conclusion: I can not recommend this tip – but your milage may vary.

  15. Dev says:

    Thanks for sharing how to disable boot on open lid MacBook pro. The step by step guide is very useful. I am sure that iOS app developers must have done a great job on this.

  16. no way says:

    More stupid crap from Apple to make Steve continue to roll over in his grave.

  17. Micheal says:

    They do have a power button: the touch ID is a physical button.

  18. Franco says:

    but how am I supposed to boot the laptop then, as these machines don’t have a power button??

  19. Ogles of Kansas says:

    I don’t know anyone who bought and kept the new MacBook Pro. I read so much bad reviews for it I just couldn’t buy one myself. Don’t need a gimmick bar. I need power and battery.

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