How to Type Trademark, Copyright, Symbols on iPhone and iPad

Feb 9, 2017 - 15 Comments

Type trademark, copyright symbols iPhone

If you find yourself needing to type a trademark symbol, copyright symbol, or registered symbol on the iPhone or iPad, you can do so easily using either of the two methods below.

The first trick to typing the trademark symbol “™”, the registered symbol, “®”, or the copyright symbol “©” will utilize the QuickType suggestion bar on the iOS keyboard, and the second trick uses the Emoji keyboard to type the same special character symbols.

Typing Trademark, Copyright, Symbols on iOS with QuickType

The simplest way to type the trademark, copyright and other symbols in iOS is to use the QuickType bar across the top of the keyboard on the iPhone or iPad. If you haven’t done so already, be sure you show the QuickType bar on the iOS Keyboard to use this trick:

  1. Open the app where you want to type a trademark symbol, copyright symbol, or registered symbol (notes, Mail, Messages, etc)
  2. Type the following shorthand to trigger the QuickType keyboard to offer a symbol replacement:
    • For trademark, type: TM
    • For registered symbol, type (R)
    • For Copyright symbol, type ©
  3. Tap on the appropriate symbol in QuickType bar to type the symbol offered
  4. Type the trademark or copyright symbol on iPhone

Type the trademark and copyright symbols on iPhone

The QuickType method may be easiest for some users, but if you don’t use QuickType bar or you have a version of iOS that does not support it, you can also use the emoji keyboard on iOS to type the same special character symbols.

Typing Trademark, Copyright Symbols on iPhone and iPad with Emoji

Another option to type the various copyright, trademark and registered symbols is to use the Emoji keyboard, yes the same Emoji keyboard with all the goofy faces. First you must enable the Emoji keyboard on the iPhone or iPad if you have not done so already, the rest is easy:

  1. Open the app where you want to type the trademark, copyright symbols
  2. Tap the smiley face button to access the Emoji keyboard
  3. Swipe through the Emoji options until you get to the ‘Symbols’ section where you will find the trademark symbol “™”, the registered symbol, “®”, or the copyright symbol “©”
  4. Type the trademark, copyright, registered symbols on iPhone and iPad

Don’t worry, tapping on one of the trademark or copyright emoji symbols will render the symbol in text, not as an emoji.

Option 3 for typing trademark symbol “™”, the registered symbol, “®”, or the copyright symbol “©” : Copy & Paste

A third option would be to use the iOS Copy & Paste function to copy the symbols and then paste them into the location where you want to type them, though that really shouldn’t be necessary if you use either the autocorrect method or the emoji keyboard method.

Know of another way to type various useful symbols on the iPhone or iPad? Have a better method available? Let us know in the comments below.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. Mohamed says:

    I am very happy to come across this tip, I could not figure it out on my own. thank you.

  2. Shivani says:

    Thank you! Some great advice here!

  3. Tom says:

    Or if you’re using a Smart Keyboard cover or other keyboard use the following short cuts:

    Opt + 2 = ™
    Opt + G = ©
    Opt + R = ®

    BTW, works on Mac too.

  4. Ben says:

    The text replacement method, John described, is also helpful for entering frequently used email addresses. I use @@, @@@, etc. to quickly enter my different email addresses when needed.

    To set up text replacements you will have to go into (Settings > General > Keyboard)

  5. Mike McGraw says:

    I’ve kept my iPhone 6 up to date but my (Mail) keyboard doesn’t offer the shortcuts. Like Brian’s setup, typing TM only offers “a” “and” or “the” in the predictive panel.

    However, John’s trick works perfectly. Under Settings > General > Keyboard I added several Text Replacements:
    ‘ccc’ or (c) -> ©
    ‘rrr’ or (r) -> ®
    ‘TM’ -> ™

  6. Richard Hambridge says:

    The QuickType (which is called ‘Predictive Text’ on my device) method doesn’t work on my iPhone 5 under iOS10.2.1

    The emoji method does – but the Global button is replaced by a Smiley Face, and return to the standard keyboard is achieved by selecting a symbol called ‘ABC’!

  7. Roy Whelden says:

    Great tip! Thanks. Do you know of a way to make general superscripts in iOS10? (™ is a kind of superscript, so it seems.)

  8. Eric says:

    Oops, typo there. You ended up leaving the © when you should have (c). :)

  9. John says:

    Best way is to use these symbols in Text Replacement (Settings > General > Keyboard)

    Best shortcuts to use is:
    ccc for ©
    rrr for ®
    tm for ™

  10. Brian W says:

    A rather useless tip.

    QuickType replacement method does not work on my iPad or iPhone (iOS 10.2.1)

    QuickType offers up “and”, “the” & “a”.

  11. Paul Bricknell says:

    OSXDAILY you’ve missed a step to add Text Replacements in Keyboard Setting. I added the keyboard shortcuts and replacement now works.

    • Tyler says:

      The text replacement is added automatically in new versions, maybe you have old software? That is my guess why some people can’t figure this out.

      The Emoji does not need text replacement though, the Emoji works every time as direct entry. It’s in the symbols Emoji icon set.

  12. Paul Bricknell says:

    QuickType bar does not show special characters. Emoji method works. iPhone 7 iOS 10.2.1

  13. Simon D Young says:

    Neither one of these options worked on my iPhone (IOS 10.2.1)

    • Tyler says:

      Works exactly as described. For you to suggest that it doesn’t work means you don’t have Emoji? Not possible on iOS 10.2.1.

      Start from the beginning. Every iPhone has emoji and symbols. Every iPhone can type these symbols.

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