How to Disable Spotify Car Mode

Sep 11, 2022 - 2 Comments

Disable Spotify Car Mode

Spotify Car Mode is apparently supposed to make the app less distracting and easier to use while driving, but because the interface is completely different and less intuitive if you’re used to the regular Spotify interface, you may find it to have the opposite of the intended effect.

If you’d like to turn off Spotify Car Mode, you aren’t alone, so read along and you’ll have that pesky car feature turned off in no time.

How to Completely Turn Off Spotify Car Mode

Want to disable Spotify Car Mode from activating automatically? Here’s how:

  1. Go to “Home” in the Spotify app
  2. Tap the Gear icon to access Spotify Settings
  3. Tap on “Car”
  4. Switch the “Car View” toggle to the OFF position
  5. How to disable Spotify car mode

There you go, Spotify will no longer enter into Car Mode while you’re driving or connected to a car stereo system.

Now you’ll be able to use Spotify as you are accustomed, with the regular Spotify interface.

You can also temporarily turn off Spotify’s Car Mode when it’s active by tapping on the little car icon when it’s active, but that only disables the Spotify car view during that particular session. Even if you quit and reopen the app you’d need to do it again, whereas by disabling the feature entirely you won’t have to ever tap on the car icon, unless you decide to reverse course at some point.

How to Turn On Spotify Car Mode

Decided to change course and you want to re-enable Spotify’s Car Mode? Easy, just toggle it back on:

  1. Go to “Home” in the Spotify app
  2. Tap the Gear icon in the upper right corner
  3. Tap on “Car”
  4. Switch the “Car View” toggle to the ON position

Spotify will be back to automatically enabling Car Mode whenever a car has been detected or synced to.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Tips & Tricks


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. ravi verm says:

    My Spotify audio won’t play in my car anymore, even though the app shows the track playing. This just started happening recently. I’m connected via regular Bluetooth, not Android Auto. The rest of my car’s audio seems to be working fine. Spotify plays perfectly on my phone and connects to my home stereo with no problems. I’ve tried both restarting the Bluetooth connection and reinstalling the app, but nothing seems to fix it. I’m at a loss for what else to try.

  2. Roger Penn says:

    Nice try but no cigar. I have car mode permanently turned off and it still goes into car mode every time I connect. Clicking the car icon does not turn it off even temporarily, it just wants me to select a service. I’m so done with Spotify.

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