Watch a Video of John Sculley Discussing Steve Jobs Being Fired from Apple

Jun 8, 2024 - 1 Comment

John Sculley discusses Steve Jobs firing

Steve Jobs being fired from Apple, the company he cofounded, is both a famous moment in Apple history, and broader business history.

The story generally goes that Jobs was fired in 1985 due to a significant disagreement with the Apple CEO, John Sculley, and the companies board of directors.

Who better to discuss the firing of Steve Jobs than ex-Apple CEO John Sculley? In this candid 8 minute video from a Forbes conference in 2013, John Sculley discusses the firing and the circumstances surrounding the now infamous event where Jobs was let go from his own company.

The full video is embedded below and is a worthwhile watch if you’re a fan of Apple history, or have otherwise wondered about the situation where Steve Jobs was excused from his position.

9 years later, in 1996, Apple famously acquired NeXT, another company that Steve Jobs founded, bringing him back into Apple. And the rest, they say, is history.

Speaking of history, if you’re a fan of Apple history you might appreciate our archives on that subject!


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Fun, News

One Comment

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  1. Al says:

    “… John Sculley, and the companies board of directors.”

    It should be “… the company’s board of directors.”

    The word companies is plural a form of a singular word company, so whenever you are referring to more than one company, you should use the word companies. The word company’s is the possessive form of the word company. You should use word company’s when you are referring to something which belongs to that company.

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