Download the Free Steve Jobs Archive Book, “Make Something Wonderful”

Apr 11, 2023 - 3 Comments

A book of Steve Jobs in his own words, Make Something Wonderful

The Steve Jobs Archive released a free ebook today called “Make Something Wonderful”, which is composed of various notes, speeches, interviews, and correspondence with Steve Jobs.

The Steve Jobs Archive describes the 194 page ebook as follows:

“A curated collection of Steveā€™s speeches, interviews and correspondence, Make Something Wonderful offers an unparalleled window into how one of the worldā€™s most creative entrepreneurs approached his life and work. In these pages, Steve shares his perspective on his childhood, on launching and being pushed out of Apple, on his time with Pixar and NeXT, and on his ultimate return to the company that started it all.

Featuring an introduction by Laurene Powell Jobs and edited by Leslie Berlin, this beautiful handbook is designed to inspire readers to make their own ā€œwonderful somethingsā€ that move the world forward.”

The book can be downloaded free through the Apple Books app to read on iPhone, iPad, or Mac, as an EPub file, or read online on the web.

Whether you’re a general fan of Apple, or Steve Jobs in particular, you’re sure to find the book compelling, insightful, and interesting.

Don’t miss the “Put Something Back” exhibit and series of video clips on the Steve Jobs archive as well, it’s also inspiring.

Steve Jobs, Make Something Wonderful


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in News


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  1. Forrest says:

    I agree with the sentiment about Apple’s priorities today.

    I imagine Jobs would personally fire a number of people at Apple that I can think of, along with their fragile egos….and he would never stand for the many UI and code issues they have in their releases.

    Apple has lost its way.

  2. P.J. Douglas says:

    Beautiful book, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

    Steve Jobs was an all-time great, there will never be another quite like him. Any of us who were lucky enough to experience his work directly and indirectly, through his years of guidance and influence at Apple and Pixar, are fortunate. The original Macintosh was magical, just like the original iPhones, or the first iPad. What a ride!

    How different would Apple be today if Steve were still around? One thing is for sure, I know the interfaces would be easier to use, and the products would have more soul!

    Tim Cook can obviously run a company from an operations standpoint, but he must be a divisive figure because all of the greats under Steve were either fired or left after his passing; Forstall, Ive, Serlet… that trio alone, combined with Steve, created masterful products that were so well thought out, so well engineered, and beautifully refined. And how many other engineers, designers, product people, etc, who built and contributed to so many Best Of products, left after Steve’s passing?

    Apple is a very different company now. They’re more interested in Woke Politics than Great Products. They’re more interested in Wall Street Pleasing than Great Experiences. They’re more interested in Emoji than refining their own software.

    Sigh. What a loss!

    • Richard Toomey says:

      Well said. Iā€™m in total agreement. What a wonderful book! I forwarded the link to one of my sons who just was laid off from his job of 8+ years. Heā€™s a huge fan of Steve Jobs. I trust that heā€™ll find this book as much of an inspiration as I did.

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