Apple Now Airing Holiday Commercial “Sway”, Featuring iPhone X and AirPods [Video]

Nov 23, 2017 - 9 Comments

Apple Holiday 2017 commercial advertisement

Apple is now running an annual holiday commercial for the 2017 holiday season. This years holiday ad is kind of like a miniature little movie that emphasizes iPhone X and AirPods wireless earbuds, and has been embedded below for easy viewing.

Titled “Holiday – Sway”, the Apple holiday advertisement features a woman walking around in a snowy city scene while using an iPhone X and AirPods, who apparently gets so caught up in listening to a particular song that she bumps into a pedestrian man and then proceeds to have a brief fantasy of sharing the song through AirPods while performing elaborate dance maneuvers together in the snowy streets, before snapping out of the fantasy and then walking away from one another, followed by the tagline “move someone this holiday” and a splash of the  Apple logo.

The song playing in the background of the Apple 2017 holiday commercial is “Palace” by artist Sam Smith.

The Apple “Holiday – Sway” commercial is kind of like a little two minute drama / romance movie, and has some similarities to older iPod commercials that featured a lot of dancing.

Apple also has run Christmas specific ads closer to Christmas day itself, which are a bit more seasonally thematic, covering everything from Frankenstein singing Christmas carols, Stevie Wonder singing a Christmas song, to Santa using Siri or FaceTime, amongst others.

If you watch TV you will undoubtedly see this commercial airing now that the 2017 holiday season is kicking off in the USA from Thanksgiving weekend, through Christmas and the new year.

If you enjoyed this, you might also appreciate the many other Apple commercials that have aired in the past.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in News


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  1. SgtRock101 says:

    The back flip caused me to gasp. What beautiful form, the height and the landing catch. I wonder, was that real, did they use some special apparatus, and if not, will they teach that to a gymnast? I’d love to see it in a summer Olympics.

  2. Harold says:

    I loved this commercial. My daughter loved it too…she did not find this commercial offensive in anyway.

    This world needs more romantic idealism. You saw it often in movies from the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s.

    Bravo Apple….

  3. M. Nic says:

    What I see in this video is a young woman bravely dancing in her world until she meets a STRANGER. In a era full of sexual abuses by the male gender to express the willingness of a young woman to dance with a stranger and run into a deserted area is disrespectful of safety measures. I expected more from Apple. The public should be appalled by this lack of safety and romantic idealism that promotes letting a stranger such physical liberties. If Apple changed the storyline to be one of known parties then this would be beautiful. The element of surprise could easily be included with people who know each other well. Please consider the implications. Respectfully, M. Nic

  4. Lee says:

    Spend slaves, spend

  5. Gorbnar says:

    I love the Sammy commercial airing where the dude switches to a Sammy in the end.

  6. Radim says:

    By the way, this ad was shot in Prague.

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