Command Line

The command line interface is an alternate method of interacting with macOS and Mac OS X, relying on text based command entry to execute commands and perform tasks. It is accessed on the Mac by using the Terminal application. Generally, the command line is considered advanced, and thus it’s usage tends to be more complex than many standard procedures on a Mac.

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Rickroll the Terminal with curl

Apr 1, 2013 - 10 Comments
Rick Roll the Terminal

Ever wished you could find a new creative way to rickroll your particularly tech savvy friends? Just about nobody is fooled by the random YouTube links anymore, and URL shorteners alone aren’t always enough, but now you can bring the persistently annoying rickrolling to the Terminal of OS X and Linux by running a simple … Read More

Nmap for Mac OS X Explores Networks, Scans Ports, and More

Mar 26, 2013 - 9 Comments
nmap for Mac OS X

Nmap is a powerful command line network discovery utility that lets you review network inventory, host response and uptime, and perform security auditing through port scans, OS and firewall detection, and more. Though it’s free (and open source) and ships along with many versions of linux, it doesn’t come standard with Mac OS X installations, … Read More

Use Lynx Browser with Image Support in X11 for Fast Low Bandwidth Web Browsing

Feb 22, 2013 - 16 Comments
Lynx browser in X11 with image support

Longtime command line users are probably familiar with the text based web browser lynx, which strips down the web to text-only format and allows for super-fast web browsing. But lynx (links, technically) can be compiled to support graphics and run within x11, which creates a highly effective web browser for low-bandwidth situations because it strips … Read More

Kill All Processes Belonging to a User with pkill

Feb 18, 2013 - 3 Comments
Kill all processes belonging to a user

Activity Monitor and the traditional ‘kill’ command line tool are able to handle most process termination needs, but if you’ve ever needed to target and kill all processes belonging to a single user account, you know it can be a frustrating task. Though Activity Monitor allows you to sort “Other User Processes” and select multiple … Read More

How to Run GUI Apps as root in Mac OS X

Feb 6, 2013 - 10 Comments
Launch a GUI application as root in Mac OS X

Those familiar with the command line know that running things with super user privileges is typically just a matter of using the sudo command. That still holds true with launching GUI apps into the OS X with root privileges, but it’s not just a matter of prepending sudo to the otherwise useful open command, because … Read More

Simple Tricks to Improve the Terminal Appearance in Mac OS X

Feb 5, 2013 - 56 Comments
Improve the Terminal appearance

The standard terminal appearance is just boring old black text on a white background. Apple included a few nice preset themes too, but to really make your terminals appearance stand out you’ll want to take the time to customize it yourself. While some of these tweaks are admittedly pure eye candy, others genuinely improve the … Read More

Use Option as Meta Key in Mac Terminal

Feb 1, 2013 - 6 Comments
Meta key in Mac OS X Terminal

By turning Option into the Meta key, you will be able to use familiar meta commands to jump around and navigate text in places like Emacs or bash shell without twisting your fingers around to poke at Esc. This won’t be applicable or useful to everyone, but it’s one of those must-use tricks for frequent … Read More

Take a Photo with FaceTime Camera After a Task Finishes in Mac Command Line

Jan 31, 2013 - 3 Comments

If you’ve ever wanted to document your reaction to an event, task, or specific command execution, now is your chance to get started. With the help of a fun little app called ImageSnap, you can snap pictures with the FaceTime or iSight cameras from the command line. That can be good enough on it’s own … Read More

How to List All Files and Subdirectory Contents in a Folder on Mac

Jan 29, 2013 - 8 Comments
Expand subfolders in OS X Finder

Ever wanted to see not only every file in a given directory, but all files within that directories buried subdirectories? If you’re looking for what is basically a recursive listing of files in a given folder, we’ll show a great trick for the Mac OS Finder that allows you to do just that, and also … Read More

Is Your Mac Slow to Wake from Sleep? Try this pmset Workaround

Jan 21, 2013 - 12 Comments
Fixing Slow Wake on a Mac

If your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air feels slow to wake from sleep after it’s been sleeping for a while, there may be a fairly simple cause: standby mode. Standby mode allows a Mac to potentially have up to 30 days of ‘standby’ time, meaning it can sit in a prolonged sleep state for that … Read More

Set MTU Size from the Command Line of Mac OS X

Jan 14, 2013 - 18 Comments
Set the MTU size in Mac OS X

MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit, and a larger MTU size generally increases efficiency of a network connection because each packet carries more data, but sometimes the default MTU sizes (often 1500) will cause issues with some networks and needs adjusting. If you need to change the MTU size on a Mac, you can do … Read More

Converting Image File Formats with the Command Line & sips

Jan 11, 2013 - 16 Comments
Convert image files from the command line

Converting images to new file formats is very easy thanks to a variety of tools built directly into OS X (and most Linux distributions). Though the easiest method uses Preview for converting images, there’s a command line option that uses the same sips tool we’ve discussed before to perform batch resizing from the command line. … Read More

Get a List of Preferred Wi-Fi Networks from Command Line on Mac

Jan 3, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Mac Terminal icon

Retrieving a list of preferred wireless networks can be helpful when troubleshooting wi-fi problems, amongst other reasons too. If you’re looking to print out a list of wi-fi networks the Mac has used as preferred and connected to before, the following trick will do just that!

See a List of All Wi-Fi Networks a Mac Has Previously Connected To

Dec 21, 2012 - 10 Comments
List of past wi-fi networks

Knowing which wireless networks a Mac has been connected to in the past be can be helpful for a variety of reasons, including network troubleshooting, determining where a Mac has been, if a specific wifi password is recoverable, and a myriad of other technical reasons. Searching for past networks is completely different from finding currently … Read More

Reset App Access to Mac OS X Privacy Data from Command Line

Dec 19, 2012 - 12 Comments
tccutil manages OS X privacy database and app access

If you accidentally permitted a Mac app to gain access to things like your personal contacts list or location, or you’d just like to start over again and have granular control over which applications can access certain data, you can use the command line tool tccutil to change this and reset Mac app access to … Read More

How to Clear Command Line History

Dec 17, 2012 - 8 Comments
Clear command line command history

If you’re a frequent command line user, you’re likely to have found the history command to be quite useful before, whether it’s for discovering your most frequently used commands, dumping history and searching it to find specific past commands, listing all defaults commands used, or whatever else. That said, there are some obvious situations where … Read More

9 Command Line Tricks for Mac OS X You Should Know

Dec 5, 2012 - 14 Comments
Command line tricks for OS X you should know

The command line is often considered the realm of advanced users, but that doesn’t mean every usage of Terminal has to involve rocket science. This collection of terminal tips should apply to a wide variety of Mac users, and everyone from beginners to advanced users should find something worthwhile here.

Run X11 in Mac OS X with XQuartz

Dec 2, 2012 - 5 Comments
X11 in Mac OS X with XQuartz

Advanced Mac users may have noticed that X11 is no longer bundled with OS X, and it’s also no longer available as a separate installation option through Developer Tools. Instead, to run X11 on OS X Mountain Lion (and later), you’ll want to download and install the free XQuartz system, which bundles all the necessary … Read More

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