Tips & Tricks

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Disconnect from Wi-Fi Network in Mac OS X Without Turning Off Wireless

Apr 19, 2015 - 4 Comments
Disconnect from a Wi-Fi network in Mac OS X quickly

Mac users can quickly disconnect from a wi-fi network by using the wireless menu in Mac OS X. This simple task is incredibly useful for managing and juggling multiple networks, whether for something as simple as using iPhone Wi-Fi Hotspot or even a more advanced task like packet sniffing. It’s important to note disconnecting is … Read More

How to Stop Suggested Apps Appearing on Lock Screen of iPhone

Apr 18, 2015 - 35 Comments
Suggested app on the lock screen of iPhone

New versions of iOS offer an interesting featured called Suggested Apps, which uses your current location to recommend or suggest an app to use or download based on where you are and what you may be doing. For example, if you walk into a Starbucks, the Starbucks app could be recommended on the lock screen … Read More

How to Move an iPhoto Library into Photos for Mac

Apr 17, 2015 - 89 Comments
Photos app icon in Mac OS X

Mac users coming from iPhoto may wish to move an iPhoto Library to the new Photos app. While importing is an option when first setting up the Photos app in OS X, many users many have skipped the initial setup screens and missed that opportunity to import pictures and images into Photos from apps like … Read More

Fix Abnormally Slow Folder Opening & Folder Populating in OS X 10.10.3

Apr 17, 2015 - 128 Comments
Remove CloudKit metadata to fix sluggish Finder behavior in OS X 10.10.3

Some Mac users have experienced a variety of performance issues with OS X El Capitan and Yosemite, ranging from a sluggish and problematic Finder, to WindowServer going crazy pegging the processor, to assorted wi-fi difficulties. While OS X 10.10.3 has helped address some of the trouble, another issue appears to have popped up for a … Read More

How to Play a Power Charging Sound Effect in Mac OS X When a MacBook is Plugged in (Like iOS)

Apr 15, 2015 - 46 Comments

When you connect a power source to an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or MacBook, a familiar charging chime sound will trigger from the device, indicating that a cable is attached and the device is getting power. If you like hearing that auditory confirmation that a device is getting power, you can add the exact same … Read More

How to Change the Default Apple Pay Credit Card on iPhone

Apr 15, 2015 - 2 Comments
Apple Pay

Apple Pay will default to using the first credit card or credit card added to an iPhone for purchases, even if you have added multiple cards. Your first card may not be the account you want to default charges to however, thus some users may wish to change the default card in Apple Pay.

How to Access & Use Different Emoji Skin Tones on Mac

Apr 14, 2015 - 16 Comments
Diverse skin tone emoji in Mac OS X

Now that many of our Emoji characters have various skin tones in iOS and OS X, you may want to access and use the new diverse emoji icon set on the Mac. This is quite simple, but do note that not all Emoji have the diverse skin and hair color options.

How to Create a New Photo Library in Photos App for Mac

Apr 13, 2015 - 38 Comments
Photos app icon in Mac OS X

The Mac Photos app allows for the creation of entirely new photo libraries, which means it’s easy to make a separate photo library if you want to keep some pictures outside of a primary image collection. This can be helpful for many reasons, whether to differentiate a personal photo library from a work picture library, … Read More

Use the Camera Self Timer on iPhone & iPad for Better Group Photos or Selfies

Apr 12, 2015 - 9 Comments
Use iPhone Self Timer by selecting the timer option in Camera app

The iPhone Camera app includes a self timer function, a great feature for any camera that allows you to set a countdown timer before a picture is snapped. There’s many uses for the timer function, but it often allows for the photographer or camera owner to be in the picture frame as well, rather than … Read More

Lose the Cartoon Yellow People Emoji! How to Access Diverse Emoji Icons in iOS

Apr 11, 2015 - 30 Comments
The Emoji skin tone variation explainer for iOS

Apple has changed the Emoji characters in iOS and OS X to include many new diverse emoji variations. In the process of diversifying our Emoji keyboards, Apple also turned most of the default people emoji icons into curious looking yellow characters, which look a bit like LEGO characters meet The Simpsons. But once you understand … Read More

Resolving Finder Problems in Mac OS X

Apr 10, 2015 - 95 Comments
Finder of Mac OS X

Some Mac users may occasionally run into issues with Finder, discovering that Finder will misbehave wildly, sometimes becoming very slow and unresponsive, crashing, or using inordinately high CPU. Given that Finder is a critical component of the Mac and nearly all Mac OS users rely on it for file system navigation, Finder trouble can be … Read More

Open Containing Folder of a Recent Document or Application in Mac OS X

Apr 7, 2015 - 11 Comments
Hold Command Key while selecting a Recent Items menu option to jump to it in Finder of OS X

Can’t remember where a file you recently opened was stored on the Mac, or where an MacOS X app you recently used was kept or originated from? Maybe you don’t know where something you recently used went to? No big deal, a simple keystroke modifier trick allows you to jump directly to the containing location … Read More

How to Resize a VirtualBox VDI or VHD File on Mac OS X

Apr 7, 2015 - 53 Comments
VirtualBox manager

If you use VirtualBox to run guest operating systems within a virtual machine on the Mac, like Windows 10 or Ubuntu Linux, you may find yourself needing to resize the virtual disk size where the OS resides. This is often the case when you inadequately estimate how much space is required for properly installing in … Read More

Tame High WindowServer CPU Use on a Mac

Apr 6, 2015 - 37 Comments
WindowServer, why do you eat so much CPU? I bought you a new Mac, what else do you want? Please WindowServer, be nice.

The Mac received a great many changes with OS X Yosemite along with a notable visual redesign, but some of those changes and various transparent effects may be taking a toll on some users Mac performance with errant WindowServer behavior. This is typically demonstrated with the WindowServer process spiking into heavy CPU use for seemingly … Read More

How Change Stack View Styles in Dock for Mac OS X

Apr 5, 2015 - 9 Comments
Change the Dock Stack view style in OS X

Stacks offer a method of displaying folders or collections of multiple items in the Dock of the Mac. When clicked, the “Stack” will pop open and show the contents sprawling out of the Dock. Dock Stacks always display on the right-side of the Mac OS X Dock and they default to contain things like the … Read More

How to Enable (or Disable) Motion & Fitness Tracking with iPhone

Apr 5, 2015 - 32 Comments
Toggle fitness and activity tracking on iPhone

Newer iPhones have the ability to track fitness activity and motion and displaying that data in Health app and other applications. Fitness tracking is done by using a low-power motion coprocessor that determines steps, altitude gain and lost, and distance traveled, and many users like this feature as it represents an easy way to keep … Read More

How to Monitor FPS (Frames Per Second) Live in Mac OS X with Quartz Debug

Apr 2, 2015 - 15 Comments
Enable the FrameMeter FPS monitor in OS X Quartz Debug tool

Whether testing performance of an application, Mac OS X animations, or just out of general curiosity, you can measure the refresh rate in Frames Per Second of onscreen actions and animations on the Mac by using a free developer tool from Apple called Quartz Debug. Part of the Graphics Tools package of Xcode, Quartz Debug … Read More

How to Clear & Flush DNS Cache on iPhone & iPad

Mar 31, 2015 - 5 Comments
Clear DNS cache in iOS

If you ever need to set custom DNS or change the DNS settings on iOS devices for using an alternate domain name server or a faster one, you’ll probably want the DNS changes to take effect immediately, which requires the flushing of DNS caches on the iPhone or iPad. There are actually several ways to … Read More

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