iPad 2 Ship Dates: March 11 for USA, March 25 for International

Mar 2, 2011 - 10 Comments


iPad 2 has been announced and it looks awesome, so when can you get your hands on the all new device? That depends on where you are, but here’s the dates we have so far:

iPad 2 Shipping Date for USA: March 11

iPad 2 International Shipping Date: March 25 – for Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK

And of course, more countries will get the new iPad in the coming weeks and months.

(image via Engadget livestream)

By Matt Chan - iPad, News - 10 Comments

Steve Jobs is presenting at iPad 2 event

Mar 2, 2011 - 1 Comment


What medical leave? Apple CEO Steve Jobs has made an unexpected and pleasant surprise today, appearing full of energy and on stage presenting at the iPad 2 event!
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By Matt Chan - iPad, News - 1 Comment

Drag & Drop Finder Items into the Terminal to Automatically Type their Full Path & Name

Mar 2, 2011 - 8 Comments

Printing a path from Finder to the Terminal in Mac OS X

You can instantly print any Finder items full path and name into the Terminal by dragging and dropping an item from a Finder window and into a Terminal window. Once the Finder item has been dropped into the terminal, the entire path to the item is automatically typed out instantaneously, maintaining both proper capitalization as well as automatically filling in the appropriate \ before a space appears – two sources of error for many OS X users.

This is great for copying a file or folder path into the Terminal, which we’ve discussed before that part before, but it’s also incredibly useful for typing out a really long file name or application name into the Terminal without having to worry about casing and how to properly input things like special characters or spaces within file and folder names – the drag & drop trick covers all casing and the appropriate spacing code for you – and of course, it’s handy for moving around in the command line too.

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By William Pearson - Command Line, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Windows vs iOS

Mar 1, 2011 - 13 Comments


Remember when seeing a Windows desktop cluttered with icons was a bad thing? Well, don’t look at your iPhone or iPad, because we have icons all over our desktops now too.

Obviously this is a joke and there’s a huge difference in usability between the two, but there’s a funny element of truth to this picture as well. Besides, we pick on Apple’s competitors often enough over here, and sometimes it’s only fair to pick on Apple too.

Heads up to @joshuaschnell for finding this image.

By Paul Horowitz - Fun - 13 Comments

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X Dialog Boxes with Command+Shift+Period

Mar 1, 2011 - 7 Comments

Show hidden files at Open and Save dialog windows of Mac OS X

Need to reveal hidden files and folders while opening or saving a file on the Mac? You can show them immediately with nothing but a quick keystroke.

To instantly show hidden files and directories in the Mac OS X “Open” and “Save” dialog boxes, all you need to do is hit Command+Shift+Period together and those hidden folder sand files will become visible in the active Open and Save windows.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 7 Comments

Fake Kernel Panic is the Ultimate Mac Prank

Mar 1, 2011 - 18 Comments

Fake Kernel Panic in Mac OS X

The kernel panic. You know the feeling when you get one, it’s that awful combination of dread and mortification knowing that you probably just lost whatever it is that you’re working on, and that your Mac might be in bad shape. You instantly start racking your brain with potential troubleshooting efforts to try and resolve what could be a worst case situation. It sucks.

If you’re feeling goofy and want to have a little fun with yourself or others, you could use this prank app on your Mac using and generate a fake kernel panic.
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By William Pearson - Fun, Mac OS - 18 Comments

Mac OS X Lion adds iOS style notifications to Dock icons

Feb 28, 2011 - 20 Comments


Mac OS X Lion includes more iOS style notifications on apps Dock icons. In this screenshot you can see them on the iChat app, showing how many unread messages are available.

There are a lot of neat features appearing in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion (at least in the Developer Preview), and although some people are decrying the iOS-ification of OS X, there are some features that are undeniably useful regardless of the platform. I really like the iOS style notifications and they work really well in Mac OS X as evidenced by the enabling the options in the official Twitter for Mac client, so for me it’s great to see Apple adopt this with more apps.

Thanks to FB for the screenshot!

By William Pearson - Mac OS - 20 Comments

Apple COO hints that cheaper iPhone and prepaid iPhones may be coming?

Feb 28, 2011 - 4 Comments

cheaper-iphone-5 Remember all those iPhone Mini rumors that were later assumed to actually be about a cheaper iPhone? Apple’s COO Tim Cook has thrown some more fuel on the fire after a meeting with a research analyst about iPhone market share, as reported by Forbes. The most notable comment attributed to Apple’s COO is this:

Cook “appeared to reaffirm the notion that Apple is likely to develop lower priced offerings” to expand the market for the iPhone. Cook said the company is planning “clever things” to address the prepaid market, and that Apple did not want its products to be “just for the rich,” and that the company is “not ceding any market.”

A ‘lower priced offering’ would be in line with past reports by the Wall Street Journal and New York Times that have mentioned a cheaper iPhone/iPhone Mini.

Many possibilities and questions remain, including whether or not a low cost iPhone offering will be announced alongside an all new iPhone 5, or if a cheaper model is going to just be the current iPhone 4 sold at reduced prices, which some rumors seem to suggest.

The comment about the prepaid market is also interesting. Currently, the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS can be converted to a prepaid phone rather easily just by inserting an AT&T pay-as-you-go sim card to make phone calls, and enabling data is just slightly more difficult. Offering an iPhone that is specifically intended for the pay-go market would be a bold move away from their current contract offerings.

The iPhone 5 is expected to be released in June at WWDC 2011.

By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, News, Rumor - 4 Comments

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion makes switching from a Windows PC easier than ever

Feb 28, 2011 - 5 Comments


Mac OS X 10.7 features a revised Migration Assistant utility that is aimed at new Mac users coming from a Windows PC. The utility works by installing a client app on the Windows PC which allows the new Mac to transfer data and settings from that PC over a network.

It’s not yet clear what exactly is transferred from the Windows PC to the new Mac, but presumably it would include traditional sources of Windows user files and data from My Documents, My Pictures, iTunes libraries, browser bookmarks, and more.

Lion’s new Migration Assistant was discovered and reported by AppleInsider, where the above screenshot is from.

As with other new features of Mac OS X Lion, it’s important to remember that while these features appear in the Developer Preview, they may or may not be included in the final released version of the operating system.

Those with Mac developer accounts can download and install Lion now, otherwise users must wait until this Summer for the public release.

By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, News - 5 Comments

Call of Duty 4 for Mac is 55% Off at Amazon

Feb 28, 2011 - 2 Comments


Want to play Call of Duty 4 on your Mac without paying the $49.99 App Store price?

The price of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for Mac on Amazon fluctuates, but it’s always cheaper than the $49.99 price from the Mac App Store. Today for example, it’s $24.95, that’s a 55% discount if you order the physical box and can wait a few days to play the game.

Are you patient enough for a good deal?

By Paul Horowitz - Games - 2 Comments

Backup Time Machine to Non-Native Drives & Network Attached Storage

Feb 28, 2011 - 6 Comments

Use Time Machine for Network Backups on Non-Native drives

Using the command line in OS X, you can enable a hidden feature in Time Machine that allows you to backup your Mac to a non-native volume, including Networked Attached Storage devices, network volumes, or even a Windows PC. This is generally best for advanced Mac users, as it must be enabled through a defaults command string, let’s walk through it.

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By William Pearson - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 6 Comments

How to Quit & Force Quit Apps from Dock Icons in Mac OS X

Feb 27, 2011 - 4 Comments

How to quit and force quit running apps from the Mac Dock with an icon trick

Did you know that you can quickly quit out of an application from the Dock of Mac OS X? And did you know that you can also force quit out of an app in Mac OS X by using the Dock icon too?

Perhaps not well known, but the Dock of Mac OS can function as a task management tool of sorts by using a key modifier and icon trick, letting you quit and forcibly exit out of applications that are actively running.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 4 Comments

Got an old iMac laying around? Turn it into a coffee table!

Feb 27, 2011 - 1 Comment


If you have an extra Bondi Blue, Flower Power, or any of the other candied iMac G3’s laying around, hey, why not turn it into a coffee table? Maybe you could put your iMac typewriter on it? Yup this is real, and yes of course you can buy one for £49.00 (not sure if they ship to the USA) from UK-based MacTechnology.

And while you’re at it, check out our other fun and quirky Mac stuff.

By Paul Horowitz - Fun - 1 Comment

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Includes a Video & Media Encoder in the Finder

Feb 26, 2011 - 16 Comments


Mac OS X 10.7 Lion includes media and video encoding tools directly in the new Finder.

You can access the video encoder by right-clicking on a movie file and then selecting “Encode Selected Video Files” as seen in the screenshot below:
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By William Pearson - Mac OS, News - 16 Comments

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Space Wallpaper

Feb 26, 2011 - 12 Comments


You guys asked for it, so here it is; the awesome space galaxy wallpaper from Versions in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Developer Preview.

Click here or the image above for the full 1920×1080 version.

If you’re wondering, the original filename is “NSRevisionsBackground.png” and it’s from the Versions package, unlike the Mac OS X 10.7 default Fuji Mountain wallpaper that we posted yesterday which is found in /Library/Desktop Pictures/ in the Developer Preview.

The galaxy wallpaper is the background image in Versions, the new document versioning utility included in Lion that behaves much like a Time Machine for individual documents. You can see it in this screenshot from Apple’s Lion preview:
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By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Mac OS - 12 Comments

Mac Setups: MacBook Pro, iPad, & Cinema Display

Feb 26, 2011 - 2 Comments


It’s hard to imagine a nicer looking screen than the Apple Cinema Display, and it fits with this MacBook Pro 15″ and iPad perfectly. Makes you want one doesn’t it?

This great Mac setup is from the author of MinimallyMinimal.

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 2 Comments

Use a Mac at Night? Save Your Eyes & Sanity with Flux

Feb 25, 2011 - 24 Comments

Using a Mac in dark is made easier on the eyes with Flux

If you use your Mac at night or in the dark, you need to do your eyes and brain a favor by downloading Flux. The idea behind Flux is simple; when the sun is down you shouldn’t be staring at the immensely bright computer screen, whose intensity is made to emit as much light as possible and practically mimic sunlight. Instead, your displays lighting should become warmer and softer, mimicking the lighting in your room.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 24 Comments

MacBook Pro 2011 Benchmarks are Insane: Faster than Mac Pro!

Feb 25, 2011 - 22 Comments


Benchmarks of the MacBook Pro 2011 refresh are coming in, and they are incredibly fast. Maybe incredibly fast is an understatement:

  • The new top of the line MacBook Pro 2011 is faster than the existing Mac Pro desktop
  • The new ‘low-end’ base MacBook Pro 2011 13″ model is just as fast as last years top-end MacBook Pro models

Below are some GeekBench scores for the MBP 2011 refresh… to put these numbers in perspective, my MacBook Pro 13″ 2010 with 8GB RAM and a 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo scores a 3128 in GeekBench:
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By William Pearson - Mac, News - 22 Comments

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